Does anyone know how to use data to call access database ??

first, what of grid that you want to use with data control.
On Properties of Data1 :

DatabaseName = your database pathName.
RecordSource = Table that you want to use.

Then, Ex you use MSFlexGrid :
On MSFlexGrid properties ->DataSource = Data1

You mean Data Environment? Well, if it is.. Try this...

'DE is a Data Environment
Public myDe As New De

Sub Main()
     myDe.Conn.ConnectionString = "Data Source=" & App.path & "\Database.mdb;"
Exit Sub

ok i 've attached a sample application built on an access database.
run this code and check whether it helps you.

if it is then don't forget to forward me your feedback otherwise if u got any more problem re-post those again.

good luck


thx jx_man its very helping. you have code for it. your post only show data from access database.

shouvik, i m sorry... your code its great but it didn't answered my question. :)

hmm... give me a day and i'll post it for you.

What are you looking for then ?

check this prog :

Database With Data

Hope This Helps...
Happy Coding :)

commented: thanks... very helpfull +1
commented: fine start for me +1
commented: this a good example. thanks jx_man +1
commented: wonderful code +1

thanks jx_man...
but i got error said database path of database is not valid...
please help...

set database source on data1 properties. browse a current path of database.

yes.. got it. thank you very much jx_man.
and thanks to all.:)

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