hi, i am totally new to this and i would appreciate some advice or if you guys know any articles i could look at to research. I want to create a program that will copy the contents of RAM to another file. I have no idea where to start! It sounds like such a difficult task to do! If anyone knows of a good place that i can start my research i would much appreciate it as im in need of help for someone to point me in the right direction

I want to create a program that will copy the contents of RAM to another file.

Do you mean the user processes memory or the complete memory available to the computer?
Because if your looking for the complete memory of the computer its sounds like your trying to hack
the operating system(which I don't know how to do).
But if its the first option look up virtual memory, MMU or if you have an intel chip down load the intel manuals

Do you mean the user processes memory or the complete memory available to the computer?
Because if your looking for the complete memory of the computer its sounds like your trying to hack
the operating system(which I don't know how to do).
But if its the first option look up virtual memory, MMU or if you have an intel chip down load the intel manuals

Basically i am only interested in the contents of the RAM. If i could get a copy of all of the information in RAM - this is what im after trying to program

Basically i am only interested in the contents of the RAM. If i could get a copy of all of the information in RAM - this is what im after trying to program

Maybe if you explain what you mean by "contents of RAM". Do you mean a varaible's memory, a user process's memory or the physical memory on the machine.

and told us what operating system your working with(ie LINUX, UNIX, MS, Mac)

Hi, sorry i guess im not explaining to good. Im using windows XP. I would like to get all user processes that are stored in the RAM and other thing. I'm trying to do a forensic examination into RAM so i want to try and get back things like what programs the user may have been running and so on so forth. Possibly user related snippits of information like usernames that may of been stored in the RAM during that particular useage period of the computer. I hope this explains my situation more?

Well I'm a Linux junkie so someone else will have to help with your XP questions

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