while (firstNodeNeedsToGo(text))
            nodeRemoved = true;

can someone rewrite this while loop into an if - then loop or any other code you have , this will help greatly toward my upcoming test

Not sure what you mean by "if then loop". "if" statements aren't loops. You only go through them once. What are you asking precisely?

so an if-then statement cant go on forever? an while loop cant be rewritten as if-then statement?

Well, if you wanted to make an "if" statement go on forever, I guess you could do something like this:

if (if condition)
     while (2 + 2 == 4)
           // code

That'd go on forever, but it's really a cheat since it's the while loop that's going on forever and the "if" evaluation still only gets executed once. Can't think of any way other than calling a recursive function that the "if" statement is in to make the "if" occur more than once, like this:

void foo ()
      if (if condition)
            // code
            foo ();

Unless you use a GOTO type statement, which I don't think exists in Java.

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