Hi All,

I have a project in VS.Net 2003 (VB.Net). The OS is Vista Ultimate.
The project runs fine without any problem in Vista Ultimate and XP.
I create a setup for my project in Vista it works, but i get a error in a button_click

"Object reference not set to an instance of an object."

in one form which calls dll. This error comes only in Vista in a button click, i am not getting it in XP. Thanks for any help and support.

The button click contains the following code

Dim ObjInfo As New SangEngine.ClsSang
ObjInfo.SubSanghavi(path, DS, IS)


i didn't know cause i never use in vista. but i think you must to download a patch for vista.

Try that, right click on your program then run as administrator.. reply if the problem still exists..

use vb 2005. 2003 has major issues with vista

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