
well am just a beginner in c++ n my question is that how to you input in a void function the ranking of a student result??
Ive implement a program where we have to input the student marks and calculate the ranking/grading n calcutale the CPA?
Can any1 provide me with the answer plz


A void function receives values just like any other function, it just doesn't return any.

but the prob is that the program is stored in a files so how can i call it in a void function??
am really confused

but the prob is that the program is stored in a files so how can i call it in a void function??
am really confused

All programs are stored in files. Where is the data stored? In a file? Is it typed in by the user? Is there more than one program file? You are going to have to be more specific about what your question is regarding the void function.

Functions can have have a return type of void and they can have void, meaning no parameters passed, but I've never heard of a void function before. Please be more specific about what you want/need.

Any function can call any other publically accessable function, irrespective of what the return type or parameter list is.

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