I am having problem in making the program work in while loop. The program is working fine but I want to make it work in one big loop and don't want to use strcpy. Instead of that I just wanna get one word and do it in a loop.

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <cctype>
#include <cstring>
#define DELIMS  " .\n"
using namespace std;

int main(int argc, char** argv) 
	char word[100][16];			//Stores Words
    char line[101];				//Temporary stores lines
	int  count[100];			//Coounts the no times word is repeated
	char longestword[16];		//Sotes the longest word	
	char shortestword[16];		//Stores the Shortest Word
	int  largestlength = 0;				
    char *p;
    int  i=0;
    int  totalnosofwords=0;		//Count of total no of words
    int  noofuniq=0;			//Count total no of unique words
    int  shortestlength=15;				
    int  nosoflines=0;			//Counts no of lines
	ifstream fin;				// fin is like cin. 
	fin.open(txt.txt);			// opens the file
	if(!fin)					//Checking if input file is Valid
		cout << "While opening a file an error is encountered" << endl;
	ofstream fout;			// fin is like cin. 
	fout.open(output.txt);		// opens the file
	if(!fout)				//Checks if output file is valid
		cout << "While opening a file an error is encountered" << endl;

	while(!fin.eof())				//Reads the input file till the end
		fin.getline(line, 101);		//Reads one line at a time from input file
		fout<<line<<endl;			//Writes one line to the output file
		nosoflines++;				//Count the number of lines
		p = strtok(line, DELIMS );	//Strtok() gives pointer to a word
		while(p != NULL)				//Check if next word is valid
            p = strtok( NULL, DELIMS ); //Get pointer to next word
			if(p !=NULL)
			 	strcpy(word[i],p); //Copy word to word array
			 	count[i]=1;	 //make its count 1	 	
    fin.close(); //Close input file
    totalnosofwords=i; //Get the total no of words
    noofuniq=i; //Get the Max no of words						
	for(int j=0; j<i; j++)//Check for repeated words, shortest word and longest word
		if(count[j]>0) //Check is that word has been previously checked
			if(strlen(word[j])>largestlength)  // Comapres longest word to previous word
				strcpy(longestword,word[j]);	//If it is longest store it in word[j]	
				largestlength=strlen(word[j]);	//Get the length of longest word
			if(strlen(word[j])<shortestlength)//Compres shortest word to previous word
				strcpy(shortestword,word[j]);	//If it is shortest store it in word[j]
				shortestlength=strlen(word[j]);	//Get the length of shortest word

			for(int z=j+1; z<i; z++)//Check if the word is repeated
				if((strcmp(word[j],word[z]))==0)//Compare word[j] with other words
					count[j]++;		//Increase the count if it is found
					count[z]=0;		//Set the count to zero of the duplicate word
					noofuniq--;		//Decrease the count of unique words
	fout<<endl<<"Statistics:"<<endl;	//Print the staistics to output file
	fout<<"Total no of Words: "<<totalnosofwords<<endl;
	fout<<"No of Unique Words: "<<noofuniq<<endl;
	fout<<"No of Lines: "<<nosoflines<<endl;
	fout<<"Longest word: "<<longestword<<endl;
	fout<<"shortest word: "<<shortestword<<endl<<endl;

	for (i=0;i<totalnosofwords ;i++ )					
			fout<<word[i]<<" : "<<count[i]<<endl;
	fout.close(); //Close the output file
return 0;

>>The program is working fine
your program may be complete but it is NOT working fine as you stated. Why? Because line 41 is wrong -- feof() doesn't work like that. And the loop from lines 46-60 is also written inefficiently.

vector<string> words; // an array of words
while( fin.getline(line, 100) )
       p = strtok(line, DELIMS );
       while( !p )
              p = strtok(NULL, DELIMS);


I know my program is working fine but I want my program to read one thing at a time instead of copying everything into pointer. I cant use vector. I jsut want to know how can I improve from line 46-60.

Thank you in advance

The text is not copied into the pointer. The pointer just points to a memory location in the character array that is passed in the first call to strtok().

>>I jsut want to know how can I improve from line 46-60.
I already showed you that. If you can't use vectors then the way you did it is about the only available solution. You could rearrange the code something like what I already posted.

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