Hello All:

I made a simple form in VC#, inside it there is textBox I want when I write the value inside this textBox it's must check it with one rows of the table inside dataBase if it's exist it print a message box else exit.....Any one can help ???

Thanks in advance.....

you can pass a value to select statement like 'select column1 from table where column2 = @varaible' and return it in object if this object is null so it not exists else it exists and using if you can direct your code...


I am converting .Net 1.1 source code to .Net 3.5. The source code is working fine in 1.1 but not in 3.5.

I have an popup.aspx page in which I am using a text box and a calender image. By clicking that calender image, popup with calender should appear and the selected value should be visible in the appropriate texbox. When a value is selected or changed in the textbox then it should call a select query and will get some data from the database. I am using java script to popup a calender. But here when the date is selected or changed it is not going to the img_selectionChanged method in popup.aspx.cs file.

I hope a null value is taking in the textbox.

Please help me..

Thanks in advance.

Please, Anil ask this question in ASP.NET forum, it may be better...

Please, Anil ask this question in ASP.NET forum, it may be better...

thanks for your prompt reply.

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