Hi all, I am contemplating moving from c# to VB and wondered what might be the greatest obstacles to overcome. I guess what I would really like to know is, if I am quite knowledgable in c#, will vb be easy to pick up? Something else that is bothering me a little is what is the difference between, say VB.net and vb6 ? is it just that VB.net is a revised version of the language or are there other differences? thank you for your time.

>I am contemplating moving from c# to VB
Ideally you should learn them both. The actual languages aren't overly complicated, it's the .NET framework that has a huge learning curve. So if you already know the framework, you should have the more common .NET languages in your repertoire.

>if I am quite knowledgable in c#, will vb be easy to pick up?
Yes, but if you're used to C#, you'll find yourself cursing the syntax. ;)

>what is the difference between, say VB.net and vb6 ?
In my opinion, the only similarity is Basic-like syntax.

ok Narue, thanks for the reply. When you say I shall find myself cursing the syntax what do you mean ? why is that ?

- i think vb is easy to learn than c#.
- no many different between them. one different that i find is encapsulation between form. in vb6 u can access anything in other form from another form, in .net you must make variable to get value. and more easy to make report.

ok Jx_Man thanks for the reply the encapsulation feature you mentioned could come in handy

One way to learn VB.NET is to use a C#-to-VB.NET converter to look at the differences in code you already understand. I think this is the best one on the net.

ok bwkeller thanks a lot for that, its a great idea! cheers.

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