Iam a freshmen and we're given a task to program a calendar using turbo C
and does'nt exceed line 54 and some texts are with specific colors.(red) for the days under sunday,(light gray)for the month....
I will really appreciate your help thanks.......
Here's the format:

enter month:1

january 2004 (lightgray)

s m t w th f s
1 2 3
4 5 6 7 8 9 10
11 12 13 14 15 16 17
18 19 20 21 22 23 24
25 26 27 28 29 30 31

try again[y/n]?

ivan@yahoo.com commented: awts +0

If you bothered to read the last week or so of posts then you would have seen that I gave a complete implementation for something like this. You could easily modify that or use it as a basis for your own implementation. But no, you wanted someone to do your homework to your exact specifications. Anything else would require real work. :mad:

If you bothered to read the last week or so of posts then you would have seen that I gave a complete implementation for something like this. You could easily modify that or use it as a basis for your own implementation. But no, you wanted someone to do your homework to your exact specifications. Anything else would require real work. :mad:

Thank you, Narue.

We, at Daniweb, don't do your homework for you-- we're here as a resource to help, not to cheat. If you want our assistance, please write some code and post it here, and then our members will help you troubleshoot it.

Thanks for your cooperation.

ok i have made a calculator using turbo c but it keeps disappearing when i choose the run command can any body help me please

int sum (int x,int y)
int z;
return z;
int sub (int x,int y)
int z ;
return z;
int mult (int x,int y)
int z;
return z;
float dev (int x,int y)
float z;
return z;
void main ()
int a,b,c;
int d;
printf("enter the first integer");
printf("enter the second integer");
 int i=1;
printf("what kined of operation do you wanna apply .please choose from the list:\n%d)addition(+)\n%d)subtract(-)\n%d)multiplitation(*)\n%d)division(/)",i,i+1,i+2,i+3);
switch (c)
case '1' :
printf("%d + %d = %d",a,b,d);
case '2':
printf("%d - %d = %d",a,b,d);
case '3':
printf("%d * %d = %d",a,b,d);
case '4' :
if (b>0) {
printf("%d / %d = %d",a,b,d);
else if (b<0)
printf("%d / %d = %d",a,b,d);
commented: For bumping old threads! +0

hi friend just remove void from main, and then try. I hope this will work

commented: Yeah that'll work. I think "void" lives in your head. +0

ok i have made a calculator using turbo c but it keeps disappearing when i choose the run command can any body help me please

Maybe if you USE CODE TAGS and Format your Code we might be able to help you. But your code is unreadable without formatting.

ok i have made a calculator using turbo c but it keeps disappearing when i choose the run command can any body help me please

Well congratulations on bumping a five year old thread. In future, start a new thread.

pls. help me.. i need a usable program for my project in computer programing..using turbo C..tnx

commented: Read some forum rules - kthxbye -4
commented: Or maybe read the post just above your lame request. -2

hi friend just remove void from main, and then try. I hope this will work

its not working

i already tried his code but its not working

@linkin_toshiro and jethro john
1) Please do not reopen old threads if you want to just ask question of your own
2) You will not get ready made codes here as we have following rule We only give homework help to those who show effort
3) If you wish to ask a question please create nde thread
4) Thread closed

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