echo running at `date` >>~/Logs.txt
for FolderToSearch in $(ls -l /home/stuff/tp |grep ^d|awk '{print $9}');
do find /home/stuff/tp/$FolderToSearch/in -name '*.*'|awk '{print "zip -m " $ARCHIVE_PATH "_" $FolderToSearch "zip2arc.zip" $CURRENT_DATE;}'|bash|tee -a ~/Logs.txt;
Hi there,
I'd appreciate it if anyone can tell me how to use variables within the print statement of an awk statement. The above code is meant to
1. List a directory.
2. For each subdirectory, list the files in its in/ folder.
3. Zip these files into a /archive/zip file (also removing them zip -m)
Ideally, the zip file would have the name of the folder it came from as a prefix of its filename and the date as postfix.
The problem is that $CURRENT_DATE and $ARCHIVE_PATH are not expanded to their values. I've tried using single quotes etc.Note that this is on AIX, where find and awk, although very similar, are a little bit primitive compared to their GNU counterparts.
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Thanks in advance.