Does somebody know a better tool as the "Resource Bundle Manager" for managing translations/resources ?

Thank you!

you don't need special tools. A text editor is quite enough.

you don't need special tools. A text editor is quite enough.

for small apps, yes...but for big apps with many languages it can be very difficult...specially if you "outsource" the translation. i nead a easy and fast way to check if all translations are done...but it should be easy to use...specially for translaters with "bad" it knowledge :-)
yeas ago i had a software in which you could define different translation-states/versions: draft,definitive..aso..but i dont know the name of it...

...perfect would be if it provides a Subversion plugin :-)...

if you outsource the translation, it doesn't matter that it's not userfriendly.
That Indian sweatshop can just hire another busload of highschool dropouts (uh, "highly qualified and certified Java programmers") to do the typing.

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