i don't know if i should post it here or in C++ , but please help me, i came into Assertion failure during running this program, and i really don't know why, hope you guys can help, thanks a lot ^:)^

The program is to copy a linked list from another, the Copy function may look complicated because i'm not experienced enough to simplify it.. Without the destructor, the program runs fine..

#include <iostream.h>

struct node
	int data ;
	node * next ;

class list
	node *head ;
	list() ;
	[B]//~list() ;[/B]
	node* Add(node *h , int d) ;
	node* Copy(node *& res , node * copy) ;
	void Input() ;
	void Display() ;
	node* GetHead() ;
	void AssignHead(node *h) ;

	head = NULL ;

		node *current = head->next ;
		delete head ;
		head = current ; 

node * list::GetHead()
	return head ;

void list::AssignHead(node *h)
	head = h ;

node * list::Add(node *h , int d)
	if ( !h )
		h = new node ;
		h->data = d ;
		h->next = NULL ;
		h->next = Add(h->next , d) ;
	return h ;

void list::Input()
	int n ;
	int d ;
	cout << "How many intergers to input: " ;
	cin >> n ;

	for ( int i = 0 ; i < n ; ++i )
		cout << "Interger #" << i+1 << ", please enter: " ;
		cin >> d ;
		head = Add(head,d) ;

void list::Display()
	node * current = head ;
	while (current != NULL)
		cout << current->data << " " ;
		current = current->next ;


node * list::Copy(node *& res , node * copy)

	if (copy)
		res = copy ;
		Copy(res->next,copy->next) ;

	return res ;

int main()
	list integer , a ;

	integer.Input() ;

	integer.Display() ;
	cout << endl ;

	//a.Input() ;

	//a.Display() ;

	node *res = NULL ;
	a.AssignHead(a.Copy(res , integer.GetHead())) ;

	a.Display() ;

	return 0 ;

Post your thread on C++ section

thanks, i posted it in C++ section, please lock this topic, sori for wrong post.

don't mind it. Always post in current section friend :). btw i cannot lock this thread. Moderator will do this.

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