i'm writting some kind of intelligent pointer
suppose user put const Class as typename T.
how to remove const part of T?

>suppose user put const Class as typename T.
Then you should respect their wishes, duh. A smart pointer doesn't sound very smart if it doesn't know how to properly point to a const type...

hm, what i'm thinking about is that user should be able to do
ptr<Csmth> a;
ptr<const Csmth>b = a;
this is intuitive with normal pointers

Oh good, at least you have a legitimate reason. But don't fight const, work with it. For example, instead of stripping away const at every turn, provide an implicit conversion from non-const to const:

template <typename T>
class foo_ptr {
  T *_base;
  foo_ptr ( T* init = 0 )
    : _base ( init )

  template <typename U>
  operator foo_ptr<U>()
    return foo_ptr<U> ( _base );
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