Hey I need some with help this...

I'm writing a script that will display, "date and time, how much memory and HD is used, plus display the type of processor info and temperature of the CPU". Then redirect the output back into the script.

I found everything what the teacher wanted, but i can't find any info on the
processor temp.

Is it somewhere in the /proc?

Thanks for any help?

Hey There,

That's a tough one, especially since it would vary hugely depending on what version of Linux or Unix you're using and the hardware, etc.

I don't know if it'll do it, but you can check out a program called "lshw" that's freely available (and already in rpm format for Linux) that might get you that info.

Hope that helps you some :)

, Mike

Thanks for the program...

Yup, I have to do this on the campus server, but it is running Fedora Core4.

Thanks for your help though!...

No problem,

Hopefully it's a trick question :)

, Mike

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