i need to generate an id card
for that i need to display the details such as name etc which must be accessed from a mysql database and now i know how to connect to mysql database and use select statement but dont know how to display the data accessed
plz help

Can we see some of your code to give us an idea of where you are at? And maybe a brief description of what the form contains for the purposes of displaying data?
I'm no expert, but I have spent a lot of time lately getting my head around vb6 and databases.:)

im new in vb and im in the starting phase of my code

i need to generate an identity card and print it

is it possible to print a vb form without its maximize,exit,restore controls on the bar or without

that bar which holds these controls

and if not possible is it possible to generate the id card as a report that i could print

the id card is a college id card with admission number,course

i was completely aware of how to connect and display the data in a mysql database

but now i know to connect to db and to display the data in a db in a text box.

if we use reports is it possible to display pictures

plz provide some suggessions

thank u very much

give an example of id?

i need to create a college id

yeah, i know that. i mean that id pattern.
ex : UK1000

no such pattern
we use admission number
and it is already generated and stored in the db
i just type the admission number and the id card must get generated

so, its already generated and stored.
so u just load the id from database.

is it possible to print a vb form without its maximize,exit,restore controls on the title bar or

without the title bar which holds these controls

and if not possible is it possible to generate the id card as a report that i could print

if we use reports is it possible to display pictures

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