My goal is to write a problem that will read in a length in feet and inches and output the equivalent length in meters and centimeters. As noted, There are 0.3048 meters in a foot, 100 centimeters in a meter, and 12 inches in a foot. I am only having problems with the calculations. Hopefully someone can help me with it because I'm not good with math lol.

For example:

5 feet and 8 inches is equivalent to 1.7272 meters and 172.72 centimeters.

#include <iostream>
#include <stdio.h>

using namespace std;

const double meters_per_foot = 0.3048;
const int centimeters_per_meter = 100;
const int inches_per_foot = 12;

void getValues(double& feet, double& inches);
void calculate(double feet,double inches, double& meters, double& centimeters);
void print(double feet,double inches,double meters,double centimeters);

int main ()
    double feet=0,inches=0;
    double meters=0,centimeters=0;
    char letter;
    system ("PAUSE");
    return 0;

void getValues(double& feet, double& inches)
    cout<<"Enter the number of feet: "<<endl;
    cout<<"Enter the number inches: "<<endl;
void calculate(double feet,double inches, double& meters, double& centimeters)

centimeters = (inches_per_foot * 2.5400);
meters = (inches * meters_per_foot);

void print(double feet,double inches,double meters,double centimeters)
cout<<feet<<" feet and "<<inches<<" inches  is equivalent to: "<<meters<<" meters  and "<<centimeters<<" centimeters."<<endl;

>>centimeters = (inches_per_foot * 2.5400);
To convert feet to centimeters feet * 30.48

I just tried and did not get the result I displayed in my first post. I want to put in 5 for feet and 8 and inches to recieve 1.7272 in meters and 172.72 in centimeters.

I just tried and did not get the result I displayed in my first post. I want to put in 5 for feet and 8 and inches to recieve 1.7272 in meters and 172.72 in centimeters.

Well, if you changed the code, please post the updated code.

#include <iostream>
#include <stdio.h>

using namespace std;

const double meters_per_foot = 0.3048;
const int centimeters_per_meter = 100;
const int inches_per_foot = 12;

void getValues(double& feet, double& inches);
void calculate(double feet,double inches, double& meters, double& centimeters);
void print(double feet,double inches,double meters,double centimeters);

int main ()
    double feet=0,inches=0;
    double meters=0,centimeters=0;
    char letter;
    system ("PAUSE");
    return 0;

void getValues(double& feet, double& inches)
    cout<<"Enter the number of feet: "<<endl;
    cout<<"Enter the number inches: "<<endl;
void calculate(double feet,double inches, double& meters, double& centimeters)

centimeters = (feet * 30.48);
meters = (inches * meters_per_foot);

void print(double feet,double inches,double meters,double centimeters)
cout<<feet<<" feet and "<<inches<<" inches  is equivalent to: "<<meters<<" meters  and "<<centimeters<<" centimeters."<<endl;

Feet and inches should be integers, not doubles because they have no fractional parts. To get centimeters convert feet to inches before doing the calculations

centimeters = ((feet * 12) + inches) * 2.54.

meters = centimeters / 100.0

centimeters = (feet * 30.48);
meters = (inches * meters_per_foot);

You need to use feet AND inches in each of these calculations, or convert inches to feet or vice versa and then convert to metric. Right now, 5 foot 8 ends up being:

meters = 8 * meters_per_foot

It needs to be:

meters = (# of feet in 5' 8" * meters_per_foot)

Thanks guy. The calculations that you gave me worked. I deeply appreciate it.

I have one more question... I want to do a do while loop so it can be continous until I press 'y'.. wherever i implement the do-while, i get errors. Where do I put it inside my code?

#include <iostream>
#include <stdio.h>

using namespace std;

const double meters_per_foot = 0.3048;
const int centimeters_per_meter = 100;
const int inches_per_foot = 12;

void getValues(double& feet, double& inches);
void calculate(double feet,double inches, double& meters, double& centimeters);
void print(double feet,double inches,double meters,double centimeters);

int main ()
    double feet=0,inches=0;
    double meters=0,centimeters=0;
    char letter;
    system ("PAUSE");
    return 0;

void getValues(double& feet, double& inches)
    cout<<"Enter the number of feet: "<<endl;
    cout<<"Enter the number inches: "<<endl;
void calculate(double feet,double inches, double& meters, double& centimeters)

centimeters = ((feet * 12) + inches) * 2.54;
meters = centimeters / 100.0;

void print(double feet,double inches,double meters,double centimeters)
cout<<feet<<" feet and "<<inches<<" inches  is equivalent to: "<<meters<<" meters  and "<<centimeters<<" centimeters."<<endl;

put the loop around lines 25-27.

something like this

int main ()

double feet=0,inches=0;
double meters=0,centimeters=0;
char letter;
char answer;

do {

// start loop here


system ("PAUSE");

cout << "Do you want to Exit! (y/n)?\n";
cin >> answer;

} while ( answer != 'y' );

return 0;


Thanks again for all your help!

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