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I searched a lot but there seems to be no way to have additional color schemes in Dev C++. The existing ones are way too bland. Also, I am no good at colors, yet, it feels as if I don't have the control to choose enough colors in the Editor Options. Is there a workaround? Can anyone port this?

Certainly some may say this is a lot of fuss over nothing. But, I believe its really important.

Member Avatar for DigitalPackrat

No one has an answer? Or is it that Dev C++ does not have such features. Tell me about a good editor (if not an IDE) which is good features and additional color scheme adding capability.

Dev-C++ is free. You get what you pay for. VC++ 2008 Express, also free, has a lot of options, including setting font and font colors. If you BUY the full version you can change the colors of all text and windows.But you will pay $400+ USD for that feature. Is that really worth the price just to be able to change colors ?

>>Certainly some may say this is a lot of fuss over nothing. But, I believe its really important

Important maybe only if you are color blind or unable to see black on white very well.

Member Avatar for DigitalPackrat

>>Important maybe only if you are color blind or unable to see black on white very well.

I was hoping no one says something like that. You work with your system for hours together, working on your code, you don't get you color scheme right, you risk chances of being color blind (alright, was exaggerating, but, it reduces your vision at least).

You poor boy :ooh: Changing color schemes will not help you with that. What will help is for you to turn your computer OFF occasionally and do something else.

People are BORN color blind. Read this. 20 years ago a lot of people developed eye problems because monitors radiated harmful rays -- I remember my eyes aching a lot after just a few minutes looking at the green monitors. That problem has been all but abolished in today's monitors.

Member Avatar for DigitalPackrat

With due respects to the Posting Guru, Ancient Dragon, I don't really know what you are trying to say or see (pun totally intended). I am pretty sure that you have changed you color scheme in the OS of your choice at some point of time. No?
Probably, I argued there that it reduces your vision. That was because you were talking about color blindness et al.
Here goes the question to everyone reading this - Is aesthetics important? Or, is it important if you are color blind only?
Waiting for replies.

>>I am pretty sure that you have changed you color scheme in the OS of your choice at some point of time. No?


>>Is aesthetics important?
Probably, but not for a compiler's IDE. You might want to check out some of the other open source compilers to see if they will allow you to change the color schemes.

>Is there a workaround?
Switch to Code::Blocks. The underlying compiler is the same (gcc with MinGW), and the IDE is vastly superior in my opinion. Also, Dev-C++ is no longer under development and Code::Blocks is being actively worked on.

>Is aesthetics important?
The answer is subjective. I think aesthetics are important across the board, including the color scheme for my code editor. I choose colors that are pleasing and don't strain my eyes. I'll change my color scheme regularly as well. Others may not care how the code looks at long as it's well written.

Member Avatar for DigitalPackrat

--I am pretty sure that you have changed you color scheme in the OS of your choice at some point of time. No?

Great. So, what OS are you using?

--I am pretty sure that you have changed you color scheme in the OS of your choice at some point of time. No?

Great. So, what OS are you using?

Vista Home Premium.

Hey, there is a way to do what you want.

Have a look at this example:

you can just change the colors by substituting the hexadecimal color codes in the syntax file.

Hope to have helped.

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