Hello everybody, I just want to ask if what is the error on creating a jar file..

I am trying a create a jar file on my command prompt but it always flag an error saying 'jar' is an unrecognizable command...

How can I fix this problem..



Why you starting new thread and not continuing with previous over here http://www.daniweb.com/forums/thread122063.html? Next time do not start new thread if it is relevant to previous one, just continue with thread and state new situation.
Providing steps of how you atempting to create JAR file would be helpful

How to Jar. You might need to set up command prompt so that it knows the java commands if you did not already.
This link explains setting up command prompt.

Thank you everyone for your help in creating a jar file but I still have my biggest problem..

Everytime I type the jar command in my command prompt it always flag an error like this...

'jar' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file

how I can I fix this problem?



There are at least millions of threads out there providing a proper solution to the same problem; maybe doing a bit of research on your own would help you understand the way things work.

Everytime I type the jar command in my command prompt it always flag an error like this...
'jar' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file
how I can I fix this problem?

Did you specify the path where the JDK is? If you did not command does not know where to look and does not know your commands. Did you try the solutions in my second link?

Find the directory to the bin folder of your latest JDK:
Usually, you will find this folder in: "C:\Program Files\Java\YOUR_LATEST_JDK\bin"

Then go to Control Panel -> System -> Advanced -> Environment Variables..
In the bottom box, you will see the "System Variables" section. Find "Path". You will see that it has a bunch of arguments separated with ";" add another one with the latest \bin directory you found before...

Now run cmd again and type jar, see if it helps.... :)
These are directions for Windows XP.

Find the directory to the bin folder of your latest JDK:
Usually, you will find this folder in: "C:\Program Files\Java\YOUR_LATEST_JDK\bin"

Then go to Control Panel -> System -> Advanced -> Environment Variables..
In the bottom box, you will see the "System Variables" section. Find "Path". You will see that it has a bunch of arguments separated with ";" add another one with the latest \bin directory you found before...

Now run cmd again and type jar, see if it helps.... :)
These are directions for Windows XP.

With one small detail, you have to restart your machine so the changes to PATH will be recognice by system

nope, not in XP :)
Restarting the system hasn't been required since Windows 98.

Merely restart the console session.

It didn't do it for me, could be because I do it through My Computers Properties???

Opening a new cmd window should be all that is required to pick up the change.

I actually didnt know how to do this either until I googled it, tried it, then posted the answer for you :)..

Google is a powerful tool, but I guess having a second copy on here helps everyone in the long run since it also gets index on google as well..
^-- That's how I found this place btw :).. GOOGLE FTW!

I actually didnt know how to do this either until I googled it, tried it, then posted the answer for you :)..

Google is a powerful tool, but I guess having a second copy on here helps everyone in the long run since it also gets index on google as well..
^-- That's how I found this place btw :).. GOOGLE FTW!

Your directions are exactly what my link told them to do. My link also told them how to do it without editing Environmental Variables and had two pictures ;)

commented: Two pictures even! What more do these people want?!! +7

I hope that these advices will be helpful somebody as original poster has no time to come back and say thank you. The guy is just flooding forum with random questions of low level

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