i make a menu AS SHOWN:

PASCAL when press Ctrl + F9.
so its pascal

* 2. BOOKS
* 3. EXIT

write a PROCEDURE to close the menu when 3 is selected
sorry 4 this, its too long, but u can understand my prob clearly

any help plz

well i distinctly remember seeing something as 'show real effort with ur assignments'.....Anyways wut you should do is to make a procedure for da menu and in it use a parameter that'll pass the entered number to da main program,and in da main program use REPEAT with dat passed parameter like

{case or nested ifs for procedure calling goes here}
until variable=3;

i cant understand clearly watu r saying
can u wite the codes plz i just start in pascal

menu procedure should be like

procedure menu(var option:integer);
{so this'll be where you put all txt to display,i'm saving myself a few lines here lol}
{top level begins here,i'm only writing the lines you need for this repeating menu}
var option:integer;
{you'll have more variables but as i said i'm only dealing wiv da menu}
menu(option);case option of
1:member procedure;
2:books procedure;
until option=3;

hope this helps :)

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