Im trying to figure out how to utilise a program that uses Aggregation of Classes, Im having trouble calling the operations of the Classes in my main. Could anyone assist where Im going wrong?!


#include <iostream>
#include "distance.h"
using namespace std;

class Distance;

class Horse
private :
	     Distance wonby;
public :
	     void setWinningDistance(Distance);
                   Distance getWinningDistance();



#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

class Distance
private :
	     int yards;

public :
	     Distance(int = 0);
	     void setDistance(int);
	     int getyards();


#include ".\distance.h"
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

Distance::Distance(int y)
	yards = y;

void Distance::setDistance(int newyards)
	yards = newyards;

int Distance::getyards()
	return yards;


#include ".\horse.h"
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

Horse::Horse(Distance w)
	wonby = w;

void Horse:: setWinningDistance(Distance w)
	wonby = w;

Distance Horse::getWinningDistance()
	return wonby;

main.cpp (This is where Im having trouble, Im not calling the operations correctly or maybe assigning Horse h1 wrongly?! I know the first line is correct as that compiles at least)

#include "horse.h"
#include <stdlib.h>

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
	int p,d;
	Horse h1(Distance(p));
	cout << "Please enter the value "<< endl;
	cin  >> p;


	d = h1.getWinningDistance();
	cout << d << endl;


Thanks for any input, is my structure for an aggregation class correct also?

> Horse h1(Distance(p));
This is an evil bug. C++ isn't seeing that line as an object definition, it's seeing the line as a function declaration. h1 is a function that returns a Horse object and takes a Distance parameter called p. It looks like a parameter because C++ treats the parentheses around p as redundant and sees Distance p , which looks like a variable declaration. That's not what you wanted, I'm sure. ;) There are three easy ways to fix it:

Horse h1((Distance(p)));

Adding parentheses around the argument forces C++ to parse the whole line the right way.

Horse h1 = Distance(p);

Horse's constructor isn't explicit, so you can use an unambiguous assignment syntax.

Distance arg(p);
Horse h1(arg);

If the argument doesn't look like a variable declaration, the ambiguity is removed.

commented: Thanks pal! +1

Cheers Radical Edward, that helps a lot mate!

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