Hello, I'm almost done with this program, but when I want to sell an item (option 2) I get an error after I enter how many 'vector subscript out of range'. The program compiles correctly, but I cannot for the life of me figure this one out. Any Help?

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <fstream>
#include <iomanip>

using namespace std;

void getData(ifstream& infile, vector<int>& itemID, vector<string>& itemName, vector<int>& pOrdered, vector<int>& pInStore, vector<int>& pSold, vector<double>& manufPrice, vector<double>& sellingPrice);
void do_again(),usersChoice(char ans);
void searchInventory(string searchInput);
void printReport();
void printHeading();
void sellStock(string sellItem, int numSold);
int showMenu();
int ans();

vector<int>itemID, pOrdered, pInStore, pSold;
int totalItems;
double totalInv;
unsigned int counter;
int searchName;
int sellName;
int sellNum;
char choice;
string searchInput;
string input;
int noOfRows;

int main()
	ifstream incode;
    if (!incode)
        cout << "Can't open the input file" << endl;
        return 1;
	getData(incode, itemID, itemName, pOrdered, pInStore, pSold, manufPrice, sellingPrice);

	return 0;

void getData(ifstream& infile, vector<int>& itemID, vector<string>& itemName, vector<int>& pOrdered, vector<int>& pInStore, vector<int>& pSold, vector<double>& manufPrice, vector<double>& sellingPrice)
	int sold = 0;
    string name;
    int id, ordered;
    double mPrice;
    double sPrice;
    char ch;

	while (infile >> id)

        getline(infile, name);       

	    infile >> ordered >> mPrice >> sPrice; 

void usersChoice(char ans)
	int counter2 = 1;
     switch (choice)//roll thru options
          case '1':  //if they picked the number 1, its gonna go to this function, 
                   //thats pretty much how the whole thing works
			  	unsigned int counter;
				cout << "\n\n\t\tWhich item would you like to check the inventory for?\n\n";
				for (counter = 0; counter < itemName.size(); counter++)
					cout << "\t\t\t" << counter + 1 << ".  " << itemName[counter] << "\n";
				cout << "\n\n\t\t\t  Choice: ";
				cin >> searchName;
				//cout << "\n\n\t" << itemName[searchName - 1];
				//input = ;
				searchInventory(itemName[searchName - 1]);
          case '2':
	   // run sellStock function
				cout << "Which item would you like to sell?"
					 << endl;
				for (counter = 0; counter < itemName.size(); counter++)
					cout << "\t\t\t" << counter + 1 << ".  " << itemName[counter] << "\n";
				cout << "\n\n\t\t\t  Choice: ";
				cin >> sellName;

				cout << "\n\t\tHow many would you like to sell? ";
				cin >> numSold;

				sellStock(itemName[sellName - 1], numSold);

          case '3':
	  // run print Report

		  case '4':
	  // exit the program
          default://THEY'RE NOT FOLLOWING DIRECTIONS?!?!
               cout << "\t\tInvalid Input"
				    << endl;//if directions aren't followed
     }//end switch
}//end function

int showMenu()
	cout << "\n\n\t\tPlease choose from the following menu (1, 2, 3, or 4 to EXIT):\n";
	cout << "\n\t\t      (1) Check if an item is in inventory";
	cout << "\n\t\t      (2) Sell an item";
	cout << "\n\t\t      (3) Print a report\n\n";
	cout << "\n\t\t      (4) Exit\n\n\t\t\t  Choice: ";
	cin >> choice;
	usersChoice(choice);//send that answer to usersChoice!
	}while(choice != '4');

	return choice;

void searchInventory(string searchInput)
	for (counter = 0; counter < itemName.size(); counter++)
		if(itemName[counter] == searchInput)
			cout << "\n\t\tThere are " << pInStore[counter] << " " << searchInput << "s in stock.";

void printHeading()
		cout << "\n\n\t\t\t\tFriendly Hardware Store" << endl << endl;
	cout << "\tItemID\t" << "ItemName\t" << "pOrdered" << "  pInStore" << "  pSold" << "  manufPrice" << "   sellingPrice\n\n";


void printReport ()
	unsigned int x;
	double totalInventory = 0.00; //Value of all available inventory
	int totalItems = 0;
	double itemInventory = 0.00;

	for (x = 0; x <= itemID.size() - 1; x++)
		cout << "\t" << itemID[x] << "\t" << itemName[x] << "\t" << pOrdered[x] << "\t  " << pInStore[x] << "\t    " << pSold[x] << "\t   " << "$" << manufPrice[x] << ".00" << "\t" << "$" << sellingPrice[x] << ".00\n\n";
		itemInventory = static_cast<double>(pInStore[x]) * sellingPrice[x];
		totalInventory = totalInventory + itemInventory;	
		totalItems = totalItems + pInStore[x];


	cout << "Total Inventory: $" << totalInventory << endl;
	cout << "Total number of items in the store: " << totalItems << endl;


void sellStock(string sellItem, int numSold)
	int totalItems = 0;
	double itemInventory = 0.00;
	double totalInventory = 0.00;

	for (counter = 0; counter < 6; counter++)
		if(sellItem == itemName[counter])
			pInStore[counter] = pInStore[counter] - numSold;
			pSold[counter] = pSold[counter] + numSold;
			totalItems = totalItems + pInStore[counter];
			totalItems = totalItems - numSold;
			totalInventory = totalInventory - (sellingPrice[counter] * numSold);


mostly this type of error comes when you are trying to access an index which doesnt exist in the vector. suppose you have only 5 elements in the vector and you try to fetch [5] or [6] element. in your sellstock method you are looping from 0-6, can you check if your vectors have enough elements? to make it better, you can get the 'size' of the vector and loop from 0-size.

It wrong here:

for (counter = 0; counter < 6; counter++)
		if(sellItem == itemName[counter])

if there are less than 6 item in itemName, it will occur memory error.

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