the problem lies when the move checks to make sure it is valid, every move will display valid or not valid, and the code always displays not valid everytime

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;
int initialmenu();
void initialboard(char board[][8]);
int moveoptions();//function prototypes
void appropriatemove(char board[][8], int move, char piece, int& w, int& row, int& column, int& newrow, int& newcolumn);
void movingapiece(char board[][8], int row, int column, int newrow, int newcolumn, char piece);
int anymovesleft(char board[][8]);
void assigningpoints(char piece, char board[][8], int newrow, int newcolumn, int player, int& points1, int& points2);
void savingagame(char board[][8], int players);
int movesleft(int row, int column, char board[][8]);
void resumingagame(char board[][8], int& players);
int main()
	int choice = 0, w = 0, move, winner = 0, row=0, column=0, newrow, newcolumn, player, points1 = 0, points2 = 0, p;
	int players, choice2, i;//declare variables
	char board[8][8], piece;
	while (choice != 4)
	choice = initialmenu();//call function to diplay a menu
	switch (choice)
	case 1: initialboard(board);
		players = 1;//move for player 1
		while (winner != 1)
			cout << "Choose one" << endl;//display menu
			cout << "1. Make a move" << endl;
			cout << "2. Save the game" << endl;
			cout << "3. Quit" << endl;
			cin >> choice2;//take in choice
			while (choice2 != 3)
				switch (choice2)
				case 1:
					while (w != 1)
						player = 1;//assign player to 1
						cout << "Player 1 Would you like to move piece A, B, C, or D?" << endl;
						cin >> piece;//ask user which piece and take it in
						move = moveoptions();//call functions
						appropriatemove(board, move, piece, w, row, column, newrow, newcolumn);
					assigningpoints(piece, board, newrow, newcolumn, player, points1, points2);
					movingapiece(board, row, column, newrow, newcolumn, piece);
					p = anymovesleft(board);//assign p to return value of function
					if (p > 0)//if p > 0 end of game
						cout << "game over" << endl;
						winner = 1;//assign winner to 1 to end while loop
						if (points1 > points2)//decide who the winner is
						cout << "Player one wins, " << points1 << " to " << points2 << endl;
						else {
							if (points2 > points1)//display winner
							cout << "Player two wins, " << points2 << " to " << points1 << endl;
							else cout << "tie game, " << points1 << " & " << points2 << endl;
					while (w != 1)//computer gets to move
						for (i = 0; i < 8; i++)
							piece = 'A';
							move = i;//choose a move from all possible moves
							appropriatemove(board, move, piece, w, row, column, newrow, newcolumn);
							if (w == 1)
								i = 9;
						if(w != 1)//continue only if previous moves are unavailable
							for (i = 0; i < 8; i++)
								piece = 'B';//use for loop to run through all possible moves
								move = i;
								appropriatemove(board, move, piece, w, row, column, newrow, newcolumn);
							if (w == 1)
								i = 9;
						if (w != 1)
							for (i = 0; i < 8; i++)
								piece = 'C';
								move = i;
								appropriatemove(board, move, piece, w, row, column, newrow, newcolumn);
								if (w == 1)
									i = 9;
						if (w != 1)//repeat as above
							for (i = 0; i < 8; i++)
								piece = 'D';
								move = i;
								appropriatemove(board, move, piece, w, row, column, newrow, newcolumn);
								if (w == 1)
									i = 9;
					}//call functions
					assigningpoints(piece, board, newrow, newcolumn, player, points1, points2);
					movingapiece(board, row, column, newrow, newcolumn, piece);
					p = anymovesleft(board);//assign p to return value
					if (p > 0)//determine if there is a winner
						cout << "game over" << endl;
						winner = 1;//assign winner to 1 to end while loop
						if (points1 > points2)//display winner and points
							cout << "Player one wins, " << points1 << " to " << points2 << endl;
						else {
							if (points2 > points1)
								cout << "Player two wins, " << points2 << " to " << points1 << endl;
							else cout << "tie game, " << points1 << " & " << points2 << endl;
							}//end else statement
					}//end if statement
			case 2: savingagame(board, players);//go to function
			case 3: cout << "Good-bye" << endl;//end switch statment
			default: cout << "Invalid" << endl;//display error message
					}//end switch(choice2)
				}//end while(choice2 != 3)
			}//end while(winner!=1)

	case 2: initialboard(board);//call function
		players = 2;//assign number of players 
		while (winner != 1)
			cout << "Choose one" << endl;//display menu
			cout << "1. Make a move" << endl;
			cout << "2. Save the game" << endl;
			cout << "3. Quit" << endl;
			cin >> choice2;//take in choice
			while (choice2 != 3)
				switch (choice2)
				case 1:while (w != 1)
							player = 1;//move for player 1
							cout << "Player 1 Would you like to move piece A, B, C, or D?" << endl;
							cin >> piece;//ask user what piece to move
							move = moveoptions();//call functions
							appropriatemove(board, move, piece, w, row, column, newrow, newcolumn);
						assigningpoints(piece, board, newrow, newcolumn, player, points1, points2);
						movingapiece(board, row, column, newrow, newcolumn, piece);
						p = anymovesleft(board);//assign p to return value
						if (p > 0)//determine if game is over
							cout << "game over" << endl;
							winner = 1;//to get out of while loop
							if (points1 > points2)
								cout << "Player one wins, " << points1 << " to " << points2 << endl;
								if (points2 > points1)//diplay winner and points
									cout << "Player two wins, " << points2 << " to " << points1 << endl;
								else cout << "tie game, " << points1 << " & " << points2 << endl;
								}//end else statment
						}//end if statment
						while (w != 1)
							player = 2;//move for player 2
							cout << "Player 2 Would you like to move piece A, B, C, or D?" << endl;
							cin >> piece;//what piece to move
							move = moveoptions();//call functions
							appropriatemove(board, move, piece, w, row, column, newrow, newcolumn);
						assigningpoints(piece, board, newrow, newcolumn, player, points1, points2);
						movingapiece(board, row, column, newrow, newcolumn, piece);
						p = anymovesleft(board);//assign p to return value
						if (p > 0)
							cout << "game over" << endl;
							winner = 1;//get out of while loop
							if (points1 > points2)
								cout << "Player one wins, " << points1 << " to " << points2 << endl;
								if (points2 > points1)//display winner and points
								cout << "Player two wins, " << points2 << " to " << points1 << endl;
								else cout << "tie game, " << points1 << " & " << points2 << endl;
								}//end else statment
						}//end if statment
			case 2: savingagame(board, players);//call function
			case 3: cout << "Good-bye" << endl;//end switch statment
			default: cout << "Invalid" << endl;//display error message
				}//end switch(choice2)
			}// end while(choice2!= 3)
		}//end while(winner != 1)
	case 3:resumingagame(board, players);//call function
		while (winner != 1)
			cout << "Choose one" << endl;//display menu
			cout << "1. Make a move" << endl;
			cout << "2. Save the game" << endl;
			cout << "3. Quit" << endl;
			cin >> choice2;//take in choice
			while (choice2 != 3)
				switch (choice2)
				case 1:while (w != 1)
						player = 1;//move for player 1
						cout << "Would you like to move piece A, B, C, or D?" << endl;
						cin >> piece;//what piece to move
						move = moveoptions();//call functions
						appropriatemove(board, move, piece, w, row, column, newrow, newcolumn);
					assigningpoints(piece, board, newrow, newcolumn, player, points1, points2);
					movingapiece(board, row, column, newrow, newcolumn, piece);
					p = anymovesleft(board);//assign p to return value
					if (p > 0)//determine if game over
						cout << "game over" << endl;
						winner = 1;//get out of while loop
						if (points1 > points2)
							cout << "Player one wins, " << points1 << " to " << points2 << endl;
							if (points2 > points1)//display winner and points
								cout << "Player two wins, " << points2 << " to " << points1 << endl;
							else cout << "tie game, " << points1 << " & " << points2 << endl;
							}//end else statment
					}//end if statment
					if(players = 1)//determine players if one player...
						while (w != 1)
						for (i = 0; i < 8; i++)
							piece = 'A';
							move = i;//find move for computer
							appropriatemove(board, move, piece, w, row, column, newrow, newcolumn);
							if (w == 1)
								i = 9;//get out of while loop when a move is found
						if(w != 1)
							for (i = 0; i < 8; i++)
								piece = 'B';
								move = i;//look at all possible moves
								appropriatemove(board, move, piece, w, row, column, newrow, newcolumn);
							if (w == 1)
								i = 9;
						if (w != 1)
							for (i = 0; i < 8; i++)
								piece = 'C';
								move = i;
								appropriatemove(board, move, piece, w, row, column, newrow, newcolumn);
								if (w == 1)
									i = 9;
						if (w != 1)
							for (i = 0; i < 8; i++)
								piece = 'D';
								move = i;
								appropriatemove(board, move, piece, w, row, column, newrow, newcolumn);
								if (w == 1)
									i = 9;
					}//call functions
					assigningpoints(piece, board, newrow, newcolumn, player, points1, points2);
					movingapiece(board, row, column, newrow, newcolumn, piece);
					p = anymovesleft(board);
					if (p > 0)
						cout << "game over" << endl;
						winner = 1;//get out of while loop
						if (points1 > points2)
							cout << "Player one wins, " << points1 << " to " << points2 << endl;
						else {
							if (points2 > points1)//display winner and points
								cout << "Player two wins, " << points2 << " to " << points1 << endl;
							else cout << "tie game, " << points1 << " & " << points2 << endl;
							}//end else statement
					}//end if statement
					}//end if(players = 1)
					else {	//if 2 players...	
						while (w != 1)
							player = 2;//go for player 2
							cout << "Player 2 Would you like to move piece A, B, C, or D?" << endl;
							cin >> piece;//what piece to move
							move = moveoptions();//call functions
							appropriatemove(board, move, piece, w, row, column, newrow, newcolumn);
						assigningpoints(piece, board, newrow, newcolumn, player, points1, points2);
						movingapiece(board, row, column, newrow, newcolumn, piece);
						p = anymovesleft(board);//assign p to return value
						if (p > 0)//determine if game over
							cout << "game over" << endl;
							winner = 1;//get out of while loop
							if (points1 > points2)
								cout << "Player one wins, " << points1 << " to " << points2 << endl;
								if (points2 > points1)//display winner and points
								cout << "Player two wins, " << points2 << " to " << points1 << endl;
								else cout << "tie game, " << points1 << " & " << points2 << endl;
								}//end else statment
						}//end if statment
					}//end else statment
			case 2: savingagame(board, players);//call function
			case 3: cout << "Good-bye" << endl;
			default: cout << "Invalid" << endl;
				}//end switch(choice2)
			}//end while(choice2 != 3)
		}// end while(winner != 1)
	case 4:cout << "Good-bye" << endl;//get out of switch statment
	default: cout << "Invalid" << endl;//display error message
	return 0;//end main
int initialmenu()
	int choice;//declare variables
	cout << "Please choose one" << endl;//display menu
	cout << "1. Start a New One Player Game" << endl;
	cout << "2. Start a New Two Player Game" << endl;
	cout << "3. Resume an Old Game" << endl;
	cout << "4. Quit" << endl;
	cin >> choice;//take in choice and return it
	return choice;
void initialboard(char board[][8])
	ifstream input;
	char initial[8][8];
	int i, k;//declare variables"initialboard.txt");//open input file
	for (i = 0; i < 8; i++)//read in initial board
		for (k = 0; k < 8; k++)
			input >> initial[i][k];
	for (i = 0; i < 8; i++)//display initial board
		for (k = 0; k < 8; k++)
			cout << initial[i][k];
		cout << endl;
int moveoptions()
	int choice;//declare variable
	cout << "Please choose a move" << endl;
	cout << " 1 2 " << endl;//display move options
	cout << "3   4" << endl;
	cout << "  X  " << endl;
	cout << "5   6" << endl;
	cout << " 7 8 " << endl;
	cin >> choice;//take in choice and return it
	return choice;

void appropriatemove(char board[][8], int move, char piece, int& w, int& row, int& column, int& newrow, int& newcolumn)
	int i, k;//declare variables
	for (i = 0; i < 8; i++)
		for (k = 0; k < 8; k++)
			if (board[i][k] == piece)
				row = i;//find piece on board
				column = k;
	switch (move)
	{//determine if it is an acceptable move
	case 1: if (row - 2 >= 0 && row - 2 <= 9 && column - 1 >= 0 && column - 1 <= 8)
			{	if(board[row-2][column-1] == '-' || board[row-2][column-1] == '|')
				cout << "That is a valid move" << endl;
				newrow = row -2;//if good move display it, hold that spot, add one to w
				newcolumn = column -1;
			else cout << "Invalid move" << endl;//display error message
	case 2: if (row - 2 >= 0 && row - 2 <= 9 && column + 1 >= 0 && column + 1 <= 8)
				if(board[row-2][column+1] == '-' || board[row-2][column+1] == '|')
				cout << "That is a valid move" << endl;
				newrow = row - 2;
				newcolumn = column + 1;
			else cout << "Invalid move" << endl;
	case 3: if (row - 1 >= 0 && row - 1 <= 9 && column - 2 >= 0 && column - 2 <= 8)
				if(board[row-1][column-2] == '-' || board[row-1][column-2] == '|')
				cout << "That is a valid move" << endl;
				newrow = row - 1;
				newcolumn = column - 2;
			else cout << "Invalid move" << endl;//if not valid move display error message
	case 4: if (row - 1 >= 0 && row - 1 <= 9 && column + 2 >= 0 && column + 2 <= 8)
				if(board[row-1][column+2] == '-' || board[row-1][column+2] == '|')
				cout << "That is a valid move" << endl;
				newrow = row - 1;
				newcolumn = column + 2;
			else cout << "Invalid move" << endl;
	case 5: if (row + 1 >= 0 && row + 1 <= 9 && column - 2 >= 0 && column - 2 <= 8)
				if(board[row+1][column-2] == '-' || board[row+1][column-2] == '|')
				cout << "That is a valid move" << endl;
				newrow = row + 1;
				newcolumn = column - 2;
			else cout << "Invalid move" << endl;
	case 6: if (row + 1 >= 0 && row + 1 <= 9 && column + 2 >= 0 && column + 2 <= 8)
				if(board[row+1][column+2] == '-' || board[row+1][column+2] == '|')
				cout << "That is a valid move" << endl;
				newrow = row + 1;
				newcolumn = column + 2;
			else cout << "Invalid move" << endl;
	case 7: if (row + 2 >= 0 && row + 2 <= 9 && column - 1 >= 0 && column - 1 <= 8)
				if(board[row+2][column-1] == '-' || board[row+2][column-1] == '|')
				cout << "That is a valid move" << endl;
				newrow = row + 2;
				newcolumn = column - 1;
			else cout << "Invalid move" << endl;
	case 8: if (row + 2 >= 0 && row + 2 <= 9 && column + 1 >= 0 && column + 1 <= 8)
				if(board[row+2][column+1] == '-' || board[row+2][column+1] == '|')
				cout << "That is a valid move" << endl;
				newrow = row + 2;
				newcolumn = column + 1;
			else cout << "Invalid move" << endl;

void movingapiece(char board[][8], int row, int column, int newrow, int newcolumn, char piece)
	int i, k;
	board[row][column] = 'X';//move piece and mark old piece
	board [newrow][newcolumn] = piece;
	for(i = 0; i < 8; i++)
	{//display new board
		for(k = 0; k < 8; k++)
			cout << board[i][k];
		cout << endl;

void assigningpoints(char piece, char board[][8], int newrow, int newcolumn, int player, int& points1, int& points2)
	if(piece == 'A' || piece == 'D')//if the piece moved is a or d
		if(board[newrow][newcolumn] == '-')//if the piece coresponds with the space
			if (player == 1)//if it is player 1
				points1 = points1 + 3;//if all apply then you get _ points
			else points2 = points2 + 2;
			if(player == 1)//or if the space doesn't correspond to the piece
			points1 = points1 + 2;
			else points2 = points2 + 2;
	else //or if the piece is c or b
		if(board[newrow][newcolumn] == '-')//if piece doesn't correspond to space
			if (player == 1)//if player 1
				points1 = points1 + 2;
			else points2 = points2 + 2;
		else //or if piece does correspond to space
			if (player == 1)//if player 1
				points1 = points1 + 1;
			else points2 = points2 + 3;
int anymovesleft(char board[][8])
	int i, k, onerow = 0, onecolumn = 0, tworow = 0, twocolumn = 0, threerow = 0;
	int threecolumn = 0, fourrow = 0, fourcolumn = 0, p = 0;//declare variables
	for (i = 0; i < 8; i++)
		for(k = 0; k < 8; k++)
		{//find all pieces on the board
			if(board[i][k] = 'A')
				onerow = i;
				onecolumn = k;
				if(board[i][k] = 'B')
					tworow = i;
					twocolumn = k;
					if (board[i][k] = 'C')
						threerow = i;
						threecolumn = k;
						if(board[i][k] = 'D')
							fourrow = i;
							fourcolumn = k;
	while (p != 1)
	{//call function until move is found
		p = movesleft(onerow, onecolumn, board);
		p = movesleft(tworow, twocolumn, board);
		p = movesleft(threerow, threecolumn, board);
		p = movesleft(fourrow, fourcolumn, board);
	}//return p as refernece to moves avaiable or not
	return p;

int movesleft(int row, int column, char board[][8])
	int p = 0;//declare vaiable
	 while (p != 0)
	{//look through all possibilities to see if any moves are left
	if (row - 2 >= 0 && row - 2 <= 9 && column - 1 >= 0 && column - 1 <= 8 && (board[row-2][column-1] == '-' || board[row-2][column-1] == '|'))
		p = p + 1;
	if (row - 2 >= 0 && row - 2 <= 9 && column + 1 >= 0 && column + 1 <= 8 && (board[row-2][column+1] == '-' || board[row-2][column+1] == '|'))
		p = p + 1;
	if (row - 1 >= 0 && row - 1 <= 9 && column - 2 >= 0 && column - 2 <= 8 && (board[row-1][column-2] == '-' || board[row-1][column-2] == '|'))
		p = p + 1;
	if (row - 1 >= 0 && row - 1 <= 9 && column + 2 >= 0 && column + 2 <= 8 && (board[row-1][column+2] == '-' || board[row-1][column+2] == '|'))
		p = p + 1;
	if (row + 1 >= 0 && row + 1 <= 9 && column - 2 >= 0 && column - 2 <= 8 && (board[row+1][column-2] == '-' || board[row+1][column-2] == '|'))
		p = p + 1;
	if (row + 1 >= 0 && row + 1 <= 9 && column + 2 >= 0 && column + 2 <= 8 && (board[row+1][column+2] == '-' || board[row+1][column+2] == '|'))
		p = p + 1;
	if (row + 2 >= 0 && row + 2 <= 9 && column - 1 >= 0 && column - 1 <= 8 && (board[row+2][column-1] == '-' || board[row+2][column-1] == '|'))
		p = p + 1;
	if (row + 2 >= 0 && row + 2 <= 9 && column + 1 >= 0 && column + 1 <= 8 && (board[row+2][column+1] == '-' || board[row+2][column+1] == '|'))
		p = p + 1;
	 }//return p to determine game over
	return p;
void savingagame(char board[][8], int players)
	ofstream output;
	int i, k;//declare variables
	char filename[10];
	cout << "Please enter a file name" << endl;
	cin >> filename;//ask for and get filename;//open output file
	output << players;//put in number of players
	for (i = 0; i < 8; i++)//walk through board to put into file
		for (k = 0; k < 8; k++)
			output << board[i][k];
		output << endl;//hit return to make it look pretty

void resumingagame(char board[][8], int& players)
	ifstream input;
	char filename[10];
	int i, k;//declare variables
	cout << "Please enter the file name of the game you wish to continue" << endl;
	cin >> filename;//ask for and get filename;//open file
	input >> players;//take in number of players
	for(i = 0; i < 8; i++)
	{//walk through board to play on
		for(k = 0; k < 8; k++)
			input >> board[i][k];
	for(i = 0; i < 8; i++)
	{//display board
		for (k = 0; k < 8; k++)
			cout << board[i][k];
		cout << endl;

the problem lies when the move checks to make sure it is valid, every move will display valid or not valid, and the code always displays not valid everytime

I don't see the highlighted code. Looks like you had some code tag problems. Please repost with C++ code tags, which will add line numbers, then point out the line number(s) to look at it. Thanks.

[code=cplusplus] // paste code here


I see that the problem is little but the code is huge and unrecognisable....

I'm not sure how to play this game but here are my answers

Choose one
1. Make a move
2. Save the game
3. Quit
Player 1 Would you like to move piece A, B, C, or D?
Please choose a move
 1 2
3   4
5   6
 7 8
1 <<<<<<<<<<<<<< This is what I entered

In the function appropriatemove(), the first loop is looking for the the value of piece in the board. The first time through the board is empty, so it will not be found. Therefore the value of row is 0.

Next, when row == 0, the function does a switch on move which is 1. Following the math if (row - 2 >= 0 && row - 2 <= 9 Since row is 0, the above check fails.

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