
i have aproblem
i have atable in database and the table has three colums
branch_no branch_nnnno distance
1 2 5
1 3 7
2 1 5
2 4 10
3 5 15
4 5 5

i need aprogram by vb.net that find the shortest path between any two nodesw

Try this, maybe it will help:

select * from [tablename] where distance = (select min(distance) from [tablename])

Sunil Punjabi
<snipped url>

thanks alot Ezzaral and sierrainfo

but i have aprogram in java that gt the shortest path between tow nodes
i need to convert it to vb.net
can u help me please

the java ccood is


* Shortest Path Between 2 given cities
* using Floyd's Algorithm
import java.io.*;

* @author José Manuel
public class Main{

    public Main() {

    private static BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in));
    public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
        // TODO code application logic here
        int S[][] = new int [6][6]; /* Creating the adjacency matrix, this is the last adjacency matrix */

                S[0][0] = 0;//Defining Values
                S[0][1] = 0;
                S[0][2] = 0;
                S[0][3] = 0;
                S[0][4] = 0;
                S[0][5] = 0;

                S[1][0] = 0;
                S[1][1] = 0;
                S[1][2] = 2;
                S[1][3] = 3;
                S[1][4] = 2;
                S[1][5] = 4;

                S[2][0] = 0;
                S[2][1] = 1;
                S[2][2] = 0;
                S[2][3] = 4;
                S[2][4] = 4;
                S[2][5] = 4;

                S[3][0] = 0;
                S[3][1] = 1;
                S[3][2] = 4;
                S[3][3] = 0;
                S[3][4] = 4;
                S[3][5] = 4;

                S[4][0] = 0;
                S[4][1] = 2;
                S[4][2] = 2;
                S[4][3] = 3;
                S[4][4] = 0;
                S[4][5] = 3;

                S[5][0] = 0;
                S[5][1] = 4;
                S[5][2] = 4;
                S[5][3] = 4;
                S[5][4] = 4;
                S[5][5] = 0;

        System.out.println("Escribe la ciudad de origen");/*Ask for the initial point, from 1 to 5 */

        int i = Integer.parseInt(in.readLine());

        System.out.println("Escribe la ciudad destino");/*Ask for the final point*/
        int j = Integer.parseInt(in.readLine());

        int l = j;
        int k=0;
        String ruta = "";
        String ruta0 = "";

        if (S[i][j] == j) /*If j = S[i][j] there is a direct conection between i and j */
            System.out.println("La ruta mas corta es ir de: " + i + " a " + j );

        else{ /* if theres no direct connection between i and j, S[][] has to be evaluated to find the shortest path. */

/*Here is the main problem... this how i programmed the last part of the *algorithm, but it is not 
*These Whiles has to check if S[i][l] is equal to l if so, there is a direct *connection between i 
*and j, if not between i and j you have to pass through S[i][j], and *evaluate this point with 
*the new value of l
            k = S[i][l];
            while ( k != l){
                ruta = S[i][l] + "" + ruta + "";
                l = S[i][l];


            k = S[l][j];
             while ( k != l){
                ruta0 = S[l][j] + "" + ruta0 + "";
                l = S[l][j];

            System.out.println("La ruta mas corta a tomar es la sigueinte: " + i + " " + ruta + 

" " + ruta0 + " "+ j);
                System.out.println("La ruta mas corta a tomar es la sigueinte: " + i + " " + 

ruta0 + " " + ruta + " "+ j);




Try this out,i hope it helps:

'Add 2 Textboxes and a Button to the Form

In General Declaration section:
(Declare a 2 Dimensional Array)
Dim input (5, 5) As Integer

(In Form_Load event)
        input(0, 0) = 0
        input(0, 1) = 0
        input(0, 2) = 0
        input(0, 3) = 0
        input(0, 4) = 0
        input(0, 5) = 0

        input(1, 0) = 0
        input(1, 1) = 0
        input(1, 2) = 2
        input(1, 3) = 3
        input(1, 4) = 2
        input(1, 5) = 4

        input(2, 0) = 0
        input(2, 1) = 0
        input(2, 2) = 0
        input(2, 3) = 4
        input(2, 4) = 4
        input(2, 5) = 4

        input(3, 0) = 0
        input(3, 1) = 1
        input(3, 2) = 4
        input(3, 3) = 0
        input(3, 4) = 4
        input(3, 5) = 4

        input(4, 0) = 0
        input(4, 1) = 2
        input(4, 2) = 2
        input(4, 3) = 3
        input(4, 4) = 0
        input(4, 5) = 3

        input(5, 0) = 0
        input(5, 1) = 4
        input(5, 2) = 4
        input(5, 3) = 4
        input(5, 4) = 4
        input(5, 5) = 0

(in the Button_Click event)

'Get input parameters from TextBoxes


        Catch ex As Exception

        End Try

Sunil Punjabi
<snipped url>

thanks alot
i was found the dijkistra algorithim to find the shortestpath
its very amazing
then i solve the prob
thanks alot anuther time
have anice day

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