
I have an abstract class called Number and a simple derived class called Double, which has a private variable value and a function called getValue() which returns the value;

I also have a vector of pointers of type Number which are pointing to Double.


vector<Number*> v1;
v1.push_back(new Double(2.3));
v1.push_back(new Double(1.4));

I'm trying to print the values with a foor loop, with a vector<Number*>::iterator, using begin() and end() member function but i can't get it to work.

I tried it like this but it's obviously wrong:

vector<Number*>::iterator j;
for(int j=v1.begin(); j<v1.end(); j++)

What should i change?

Get rid of the int.

You have two variables named 'j' there: your iterator, and an int local to the for loop.

vector<Number*>::iterator j;
for (j = v1.begin(); j<v1.end(); j++)

Don't forget proper indentation!

Hope this helps.

Oh, i made a typo with that int. I don't have it in my code ofcourse, so basicly ignore it. It doesn't work without it either.

Er, sorry, I wasn't paying enough attention. Don't use at().

cout << j->getValue();

Hope this helps.

Doesn't work :( .

Well, there's nothing wrong with what I've seen. Post a complete example.
(I think the most likely problem is that you have some dangling pointers in your vector.)

Ok here's the whole code:

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;

class Number
           virtual double getValue()=0;

class Double : public Number
           double value;
            Double(double v):value(v){}
            double getValue(){return value;}

int main()
      vector<Number*> v1;
      v1.push_back(new Double(2.3));
      v1.push_back(new Double(1.4));
      vector<Number*>::iterator j;
      for(j=v1.begin(); j<v1.end(); j++)
      return 0;

Argh. I'm so sorry. There is something wrong... Your base type is a pointer, and the iterator is a pointer, so you need to dereference it twice (and I had you doing it only once... cout << (*j)->getValue() << endl; Sorry... :$

Woo, works now! Thanks for your effort :)

Doesn't work :( .

Next time, at least put in minimal effort and post an error or something; instead of other people repeatedly posting suggestions, and you just saying "doesn't work" each time without any clue as to what doesn't work.

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