I'd make a basic C rpg game and I want to save data such as Exp, name, gold, ect.

How can i do it in C?

I went to c++ forum and saw it but fstream doesn't work on C.

thank You

>How can i do it in C?
File handling examples for C are all over the place, but I'm guessing you didn't bother to search this forum. Here's yet another example:

#include <stdio.h>

int main ( void )
  FILE *out = fopen ( "filename", "w" );

  if ( out != NULL ) {
    fprintf ( out, "Gold: 123" );
    fclose ( out );

  return 0;

>I went to c++ forum and saw it but fstream doesn't work on C.
Well, duh. C++ isn't C.


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