hey Frnds I m developing the antivirus,But i do not know how to start scanning.I want that when i click on scan button C:\ Starts Scanning.
Plz send me the code,I will be very thankful to you.

well this not a simply program. when u scan you must have a pattern of virus. did u have it? cause you must get the virus file.

NO Frnd. Ok tell me one more thing, U know MD2,MD4 ,SHA224 algorithms. Cz these algorithms are used in Virus Scan...
I know MD5, SHA-1 & even did it.

well, i didn't know that. but you can visit this link.
there are example for SHA224

i didnt know that, i used crc-32 in my antivirus program.
see this link for sha224, there are an example for sha224

Thx,But this site is not useful,I alredy serach this site...

Suggest u better download a program with source code from the net

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