Hello, I have recently installed Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Express Edition, and right off the bat when trying to make a new project I find myself unable to make a Win32 Windows Application, when I go to check the bullet that says "Windows Application", the option is grayed out.

I found a link online on how to solve this problem, or so I thought, but when I followed the guide and it told me to "Add the paths to the appropriate subsection:

* Executable files: C:\Program Files\Microsoft Platform SDK for Windows Server 2003 R2\Bin
* Include files: C:\Program Files\Microsoft Platform SDK for Windows Server 2003 R2\Include
* Library files: C:\Program Files\Microsoft Platform SDK for Windows Server 2003 R2\Lib

and when I tried to do so, I couldn't find exactly where to add the paths. Well, I think I found the place, but when I added the said directories, nothing happened.

The link online: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/express/aa700755.aspx

The part that I am stuck at: http://img60.imageshack.us/img60/9939/daniwebhelpqj4.jpg

i dont have an answer to your question.

but, if you don't mind me changing your question somewhat, the new answer becomes:


seriously. best thing i've found in a long time ... (with props to Salem)

(ps: get the "MinGW" version. that way you can use either your MSVC compiler, or the GCC compiler, and switch back and forth as you wish)


The part that I am stuck at: http://img60.imageshack.us/img60/993...webhelpqj4.jpg

You have to select the correct list from the "Show directories for:" list
Then click the yellow folder image to add a new entry to the list and enter the path.

<SDKPath>\Include directory goes into the "Include files" list and
<SDKPath>\Lib into the "Library files" list and
<SDKPath>\Bin into the "Executable files" list.

dump that compiler and get VC++ 2008 Express because Microsoft fixed all of them. You no longer need to get the Windows Platform SDK or do all that manual setup in order to compiler MS-Windows programs.

i dont have an answer to your question.

but, if you don't mind me changing your question somewhat, the new answer becomes:


seriously. best thing i've found in a long time ... (with props to Salem)

(ps: get the "MinGW" version. that way you can use either your MSVC compiler, or the GCC compiler, and switch back and forth as you wish)


Code::blocks is very nice :D

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