Hello all
I am beginner in C++ and i have some questions

In many languages there are included libraries for many uses such as libraries for downloading files / uploading files using ftp connection ...etc

but in C++ i cant find these libraries

my question .......

must I use libraries made by others or there is libraries that come with C++ that i cant find and if i want to do these functions by my self

will it be hard
Example : making a function to download file or a function to upload file using FTP

Another Question ....... Many programs are in the internet and i think most of them are C++ because these programs are executable and dont need frame works

So ......... Do the developers use Already made libraries by other developers to make there programs or they begin from the zero ( i mean ... what most of the developers do ? )

Sorry for my weak English .... i have English Exam tommorw :D :D

yes really i have one

and thanks in advance

Hello all
I am beginner in C++ and i have some questions

In many languages there are included libraries for many uses such as libraries for downloading files / uploading files using ftp connection ...etc

but in C++ i cant find these libraries

my question .......

must I use libraries made by others or there is libraries that come with C++ that i cant find and if i want to do these functions by my self

will it be hard
Example : making a function to download file or a function to upload file using FTP

Another Question ....... Many programs are in the internet and i think most of them are C++ because these programs are executable and dont need frame works

So ......... Do the developers use Already made libraries by other developers to make there programs or they begin from the zero ( i mean ... what most of the developers do ? )

Sorry for my weak English .... i have English Exam tommorw :D :D

yes really i have one

and thanks in advance

All of the above. There are C++ Standard libraries.

There are common libraries that aren't part of the standard, but are commonly used by many programmers (above link also links Boost libraries), there are libraries that people write and allow anyone who wants to to use for free, there are libraries that you have to pay for, there are libraries/functions that come with compilers like Visual C++ which are operating system specific, and there are functions that you have to write from scratch if nothing fits your needs perfectly. There's a whole lot of stuff out there, much of which you often don't realize is out there, so you (or at least I) end up writing stuff from scratch, then discovering someone else has already done it, and they've done it a lot better than I have. Whenever possible, try to look around to see if someone has written a library that fits your needs, because quite often someone has. On the other hand, if you want to, you can pretty much always write your own versions of functions that others have written. There's no law that says you have to use the standard libraries.

DataReel.lib is free and portable to both *nix and MS-Windows. It has a huge amount of functions to do networking and other stuff.

thaaaaanks for you both

There are common libraries that aren't part of the standard, but are commonly used by many programmers

that what i was asking about

thanks for the answer

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