
I am trying to get the properties of a Microsoft's Notepad.exe window. I have an instance of this application running when I execute the code below.

#include <iostream>
#include <windows.h>

using namespace std;

BOOL CALLBACK PropEnumProcEx(HWND hwnd, LPTSTR lpszString, HANDLE hData, ULONG_PTR dwData) {
  cout << "Property Label: " << lpszString << "." << endl;
  return true;

int main()
    HWND hNote = FindWindow("Notepad", NULL);
    cout << "Notepad's handle: " << hNote << endl;
    EnumPropsEx(hNote, PropEnumProcEx, 0);
    cout << "Done" << endl;
    return 0;

The output is:

Notepad's handle: 0x7e0b7e
Property Label:

Then i receive a "properties.exe has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience." Windows error message.

{P.S. my program is called properties.exe}

If I don't have a reference to lpszString in the callback function then the code executes as expected through to the end. I suspect I am not using the pointer of the string correctly...?

If someone could shed some light that would be appreciated.


Then i receive a "properties.exe has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience." Windows error message.

Appears as if lpszString would be NULL, so try adding a check against that condition ...

BOOL CALLBACK PropEnumProcEx(HWND hwnd, LPTSTR lpszString, HANDLE hData, ULONG_PTR dwData) {

  LPTSTR pszPropLabel = lpszString ? lpszString : "not available";
  cout << "Property Label: " << pszPropLabel << "." << endl;
  return true;

Yes, indeed it is an atom; namely, an integer atom.

I changed the callback procedure to the following:

BOOL CALLBACK PropEnumProcEx(HWND hwnd, LPTSTR lpszString, HANDLE hData, ULONG_PTR dwData) {
  if (HIWORD(lpszString) == 0) {
    WORD the_atom = LOWORD(lpszString);
    char buffy[100] = {0};
    GetAtomName(the_atom, buffy, 100);
    cout << "It is an atom: " << buffy << endl;
    cout << "Data: " << hData << endl;
  }else {
    cout << "Property Label: " << lpszString << "." << endl;
  return true;

I have a follow-up.

1. Winspector Spy shows there are two integer atoms, but I only get 1. What is going on here?

thanks for your help

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