Hi Everyone,
I'm really fed up of working on C in Windows Vista.
First and foremost, the window of C occupies only half the screen which is very annoying.
I've heard that there is a distinct C that is used with Vista but I have failed to attain any more information about that 'C'. Please help me out.

Are you talking about the c language itself or console program window ? The problem has nothing to do with c language. Even if you run cmd.com to get a console window then maximize it, the window may not cover the entire monitor canvas, depending on the pixel settings you have set on your monitor.

if you're saying that Vista kind of sucks, i might agree, but it has nothing to do with C, or vice versa. I do C development in vista just fine.

the question is, what IDE/Compiler are you using, to program C?

I think you should try Studio2005 in Vista or Studio2008.
I just have the same problem with you if I use Turbo C in Vista.

Hi Valdemar

Do you mean console window of a running c program? On win XP you can right click on the console window title, then choose properties and simply change the layout to maximize the window. Maybe this also works on Vista?


Hi Everyone,
I'm really fed up of working on C in Windows Vista.
First and foremost, the window of C occupies only half the screen which is very annoying.
I've heard that there is a distinct C that is used with Vista but I have failed to attain any more information about that 'C'. Please help me out.

Even i faced this problem now here is the solution
Install the software DOSBox ver 0.72 ( 1.2 MB ) (Freeware) from the link below (Direct Link)


Before going to the details u have to create a folder (any name will do). Here we name it as Turbo

Copy the TC into the Turbo folder

Run the DOSBox 0.72 from the icon located on the desktop or from the location of the installation folder

Then u are presented with two screens which look like the command prompt in Windows

Now u are presented with two screens. One with a Z prompt. U can ignore the other screen.

There type the following commands at the command prompt [Z]:

Mount [Type in any alphabet that u wish except z] [Type the source of the turbo C] press enter

Now , Type in the following commands after the Z prompt:

Z: mount d c:\Turbo\ [The folder TC is present inside the folder Turbo]

* Now u should get a message which says: Drive D is mounted as a local directory c:\Turbo\ ***

Now type d: to shift to d: prompt .

D: cd TC [The contents inside the folder Turbo gets mounted as a virtual drive (Here D drive)

D: cd Bin

D: TC or Tc.exe [This presents u the Turbo C++3.0 screen]

On the Turbo C++ goto Options>Directories>Change the source of TC to the source directory [D] ( i.e. virtual D: refers to original c:\Turbo\ . So make the path change to something like D:\TC\include and D:\TC\lib respectively )


In order to get the full screen use the key combination of Alt and Enter

When u exit from the DosBox [precisely when u unmount the virtual drive where Turbo C++ 3.0 has been mounted] all the files u have saved or made changes in Turbo C++ 3.0 will be copied into the source directory(The directory which contains TC folder)

It is a good idea to backup your files in the source directory prior to running DOSBox 0.72

For additional help go through the readme file located in the installation folder or look on the website of the DOSBox forum.

The above procedure has been successfully implemented on Windows Vista Ultimate 64 bit

Hi Everyone,
I'm really fed up of working on C in Windows Vista.
First and foremost, the window of C occupies only half the screen which is very annoying.
I've heard that there is a distinct C that is used with Vista but I have failed to attain any more information about that 'C'. Please help me out.

I use two IDE's for C/C++. Both work very well. The first is the old standby Turbo C/C++, and the second is the much newer Visual Studio 2008 (free edition).

The Turbo IDE can be very small if you have the wrong properties for it's display window. If that's what you're using, let us know and we'll tell you how to easily fix it so it's full screen.

The Visual Studio free edition is full screen, by default.

So, give us the details of your IDE for C, and we can get this fixed.




it's worthless and using it will turn you into a crappy programmer .

How to unmount "d" as I have mounted it.

Please help me

Thank you

Even i faced this problem now here is the solution
Install the software DOSBox ver 0.72 ( 1.2 MB ) (Freeware) from the link below (Direct Link)


Before going to the details u have to create a folder (any name will do). Here we name it as Turbo

Copy the TC into the Turbo folder

Run the DOSBox 0.72 from the icon located on the desktop or from the location of the installation folder

Then u are presented with two screens which look like the command prompt in Windows

Now u are presented with two screens. One with a Z prompt. U can ignore the other screen.

There type the following commands at the command prompt [Z]:

Mount [Type in any alphabet that u wish except z] [Type the source of the turbo C] press enter

Now , Type in the following commands after the Z prompt:

Z: mount d c:\Turbo\ [The folder TC is present inside the folder Turbo]

* Now u should get a message which says: Drive D is mounted as a local directory c:\Turbo\ ***

Now type d: to shift to d: prompt .

D: cd TC [The contents inside the folder Turbo gets mounted as a virtual drive (Here D drive)

D: cd Bin

D: TC or Tc.exe [This presents u the Turbo C++3.0 screen]

On the Turbo C++ goto Options>Directories>Change the source of TC to the source directory [D] ( i.e. virtual D: refers to original c:\Turbo\ . So make the path change to something like D:\TC\include and D:\TC\lib respectively )


In order to get the full screen use the key combination of Alt and Enter

When u exit from the DosBox [precisely when u unmount the virtual drive where Turbo C++ 3.0 has been mounted] all the files u have saved or made changes in Turbo C++ 3.0 will be copied into the source directory(The directory which contains TC folder)

It is a good idea to backup your files in the source directory prior to running DOSBox 0.72

For additional help go through the readme file located in the installation folder or look on the website of the DOSBox forum.

The above procedure has been successfully implemented on Windows Vista Ultimate 64 bit

looks like you didnt bother to read the rules.

it's only stuck right at at the top of the forum, and titled

Read This Before Posting

take some time to do so now.

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