Hi all

Im loading list box with availabel datetime formats . but it is loading all the date time formats twice...
here is my code:

Dim dateTime As DateTime = New _
DateTime(Now.Year, Now.Month, Now.Day, Now.Hour, _
Now.Minute, Now.Second)
Dim d() As String = Nothing
d = dateTime.GetDateTimeFormats()
how to sort out this issue?

i think its not twice but all formats of date-time. short or long formats, country formats..
why don't use datetime picker?


Thanks for ur reply Jx_man. if i use date time picker it loads only one format of date.
and i want to load the listbox with all available datetime formats..
My code is loading all datetime formats but values are repeating i dont know why
is there any way to sort them?


Thanks for ur reply Jx_man. if i use date time picker it loads only one format of date.
and i want to load the listbox with all available datetime formats..
My code is loading all datetime formats but values are repeating i dont know why
is there any way to sort them?


Any one have idea about this issue?

lstdateandtime.Sorted = True

No if i use sort it just sort it by name or somthing.
it is not going remove the duplicates.
any how i managed to elimanate the duplictes.

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