I have very good ideas about c-programing.

But i have just programing simple experimental and ,learning stadge program like some data structures or experimenting codes.

I want to know actually how to build a good, working , professional, APPLICATION.

Please any one could help me by taking me to a right place.


I'm sorry, but what is your question?


I'd grab the source code for a small but viable app (from sourceforge or the like) then see how the code is structured and try to understand why programming decisions were made then. I'd grab a second and compare the programming styles.

If the two seem similar in style, they are probably coded close to best practices.

Additionally there are many good programming style books and tutorials on the internet.

I want to know actually how to build a good, working , professional, APPLICATION.

Just take up any example that's between the experimental and the professional extremities. Start coding on your own. There's no substitute for hands-on programming experience if you want to reach professional heights. As and when you'll progress, you'll encounter errors and you'll solve them. Troubleshooting skills can't be developed by just reading someone else's codes. Or atleast that's what I believe.

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