
Please I need your help on this part.
I've just developed a vb6 program and ms sql express as backend.

I setup the ms sql express in a pc working as a server (windows xp). And i also installed the vb6 program on the same pc. I setup also the ODBC on that computer.

Now, I will deploy the vb6 program on the network. my plan is to install also the vb6 program on the other pc's (client, connected to the server), and then setup the ODBC of that pc (clients) to connect to the database (ms sql), my questions? is that possible? Is there any problem about that?

I test the vb program that i setup on the server, and it works fine. but i dont know if it will work on other pc's connected on that server if i used the above settings?


You will probably found what does mean paranoid security level in practice (100% secured and nothing will work).

This is because default installation settings of MS SQL server works only on the computer installed via shared memory, net protocols like TCPIP disabled. Additionally, it works with named instance, not the detault one so you have to access it not just as IP,port but IP\instancename,port. Finally, any custom extensions such like SQL shield will not be installable over network because it run not on system account but on network service account with very limited permissions (OK, this point is not neccessarily paranoid, but behind two firewalls I would prefer backupping to be finished OK (filesystem permissions) much more than an hypothetical attack).

Hi and thanks so much...First I run the vb6 system yesterday on LAN, I setup first the port number in ODBC and MS SQL on server. Then, by setting up the ODBC client computers with the same port number and installs the vb program in each client..it works! but..dont know yet if there will be a problem if, it will use in a multi-user environment.

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