Lets say i do this to count the number of that particular hour:

If vDateTime.Hour > 0 And vDateTime.Hour < 24 Then
                        Dim hour As Integer = vDateTime.Hour
                        If hour = 0 Then
                            hour = 24
                        End If
count(hour, 0) = count(hour, 0) + 1

Refer to the data below:
1.2008/06/24 02:00
2.2008/06/24 12:00
3.2008/06/24 06:00
4.2008/06/24 17:00
5.2008/06/25 06:00
The first will be allocated to hour=02 and the second one will go to hour=12.
However i face this problem: How if 3 and 5 having the same hour but different date? I need to get the date as well. Can i solve this problem using almost the same coding format above? I need to keep count(hour, 0) = count(hour, 0) + 1 this way. Thanks a lot.

In the 24 hour system you will never have a 24. It only goes to 23:59:59 then 00:00:00.
So you don't need the if statement.
It looks like your dates are comming in in order. I would make my array hold date and count. Then when new date comes in remove the seconds and minutes and compare it to the last date entered. If they are the same increment the count. Otherwise add the new date to the array.

In the 24 hour system you will never have a 24. It only goes to 23:59:59 then 00:00:00.
So you don't need the if statement.
It looks like your dates are comming in in order. I would make my array hold date and count. Then when new date comes in remove the seconds and minutes and compare it to the last date entered. If they are the same increment the count. Otherwise add the new date to the array.

Ya, U are right. Now i already simplify my coding to the format below:
I need to allocate the 24-hour time selected by the user to an array of size 24, for example, If the user choose 2day 8AM until tomorrow 7AM, Then my idea is:
How can i loop it? Thanks

Could you show more of your code. I don't know what you are looking for.

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