
I'm at a loss to explain an issue I'm seeing below. It's a simple enough peice of C++, just sum all the values of 1/n from n=1 to n=10000. Easy, eh? The problem I have is explaining why when looping for the large to small bound i.e. 10000 down to 1 do I *always* get a slightly larger result than if I loop from 1 to 10000?

My gut instinct and some further testing tells me this is a rounding problem - for example if I use 'long double' then no rounding error is seen in the first 20dp, but given the same range in both loops, I can't explain why the decrementing loop comes out larger for any large-ish n?

I'd be eternally grateful if someone could explain this in detail or point me to a good link?



Program output - GCC 4.0.1:
Small to large: 10.78760603604437307
Large to small: 10.787606036044381952

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
  double result=1.;
  std::cout << std::setprecision(20) << "\n:";
  for(double i=1.; i<=10000.; ++i)
      //std::cout << "\n" << i;
      result += 1./i;
  std::cout << "\n\nSmall to large: " << result;
  result = 1.;
  for(double i=10000.; i>=1.; --i)
      //std::cout << "\n" << i;
      result += 1./i;
  std::cout << "\nLarge to small: " << result << "\n\n";
  return 0;

>I'd be eternally grateful if someone could explain this in detail or point me to a good link?
Here's a good link, but the short answer is that due to floating-point imprecision, simply changing the order of arithmetic operations can affect the accuracy of the result.

Here's another article that might be of help.

Thanks for the links all! I'll have a read through them.

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