:p hi ,this is my first visit to theis web , i hope to help me, i need afull c++ programm of game called "pebble chess" , this game can execute on algorthims called "minmax", and iwill describe this game:
1- each player turn consists of moving one or more stones horzantly,verticaly and diagonaly.
2-all such stone must go to the same square.
3-1 stone can move one squar
2stones can move 1or 2 squar
4-movement into asquare occupied by an oppents stones causes the opponents stones to go off board permenantly
5-movement into square occupied by aplayers own stones is prohibited
6- the game end when aplayer looses all of the stones
bb bb bb Bb

ww ww ww ww


>i need afull c++ programm of game called "pebble chess"
Have fun writing it. :)

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