Please help with the following linked list program. Any help is good =]

Use a linked list to do this program

a store recieves shipmesnts of chairs at various cost. the store policy is to charge a 35% markup, and to sell chairs which were received earlier before chairs that were recieved later (FIFO policy).

write a program in C++ using linked list that reads 3 types of input data and does the following:

1-a sales record which contains an "S" in colum 1 and a quantity which represents the number of chairs sold

2-a receipt record which contains an "R" in column 1 and a quantity and a price which represents the receipt of a quantity of chairs at the stated cost per chair.

3-a promotion card which contains a "P" in column 1 and a number such as 15 which would represent a 15% discount to the next 2 buying customers

the program should print a message after each receipt record is read in with the price of the chairs received and print a message after each promotion card is read in with the amount of discount the next two customers will be receiving.

after a sales record is read in print a message stating the number sold and the price of each chair and total price of the order.

if there are an insufficient number of widgets in stock to fill an order sell as many as are available then print

"remainder of xxx chairs not available"

do not forget promotional discount

at the ens of the data before exiting the program print out under a seperate heading the chairs still left in stock and their original purchase price

No one's going to do this for you. If you have a specific question - ask that. To start off, do you know what a linked list is?

>Any help is good =]
I'm curious, can you define what you mean by "help"? Because it looks a lot like you want us to do your homework for you.

Anyway, this may help you.

Ok well i aint mean do it i guess ma question would be how would i read a file with this info into a linked list

Ok well i aint mean do it i guess ma question would be how would i read a file with this info into a linked list

So you want to know about file streames and linked lists. For reading files: ifstream, and for linked lists, see the link two posts above.


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