I am making a text game where at each situation the user may type in his/her choice on what action to do.

Is there a way to make it where if someone were to type "save" or push the "s" key to have the game save or go back to a certain place in the code (the main town)?

a infinite loop with switch case perhaps

what are the advantages of cases over just using if, else if, ect?

I read this is in a book.

Switch case is faster if there are more than 2 conditions to be checked, since it maintains a table of pointers to execute instruction. And the table is created in compile time and hence case cannot contain variables unlike if else.

And also switch case looks good.

switch (var)
case 1:
    // do someting
case 2:
   // do something else
// more cases


if ( var == 1 )
    // do someting
    if ( var == 2 )
         // nest & nest & nest

0_o very useful. Thank you

>Switch case is faster if there are more than 2 conditions to be checked
First, you shouldn't use absolute statements like "X is faster than Y", because you'll nearly always be wrong. Second, where did you come up with two conditions? That seems like a very compiler-specific statement to me.

>since it maintains a table of pointers to execute instruction
That's one valid implementation, but it's not required. Even with that implementation, you can't claim a switch to be faster in all cases because in your example var could always be 1 and the first if will run every time, which amounts to the same thing as the table jump in a switch.

Hell, a switch could be orders of magnitude slower than an if chain (or vice versa) if you get unlucky with cache effects. There are so many variables in the performance of a program that it's always better to write your code with clarity in mind and optimize only after profiling shows that there's a bottleneck.

>And also switch case looks good.
Subjective. Not to mention that your example clearly used a style that makes the switch look better. This is more correct (I added breaks to the switch) and more conventional (most people don't indent their else ifs):

switch (var)
case 1:
  // do something
case 2:
  // do something else
// more cases


if ( var == 1 )
    // do someting
else if ( var == 2 )
  // do something else
// more ifs

A significant difference between the two is that the cases in a switch are far less flexible. If you need to switch on non-integral types you're SOL, and switching on a range of values gets messy very quickly.

I was not sure what I gave was right, so I did say my source partially. Its a book devoted to turbo C++.

You saw through it. Yes indeed. I was subjective. I knew it too.

I did not add break, because it is not a must in switch case.

Thanks for your post I got valuable informations.

>I did not add break, because it is not a must in switch case.
If you don't break out of a case, you'll continue to execute the cases below it. That's very rarely desired behavior, which is why pretty much every style guideline requires a comment if you really want fallthrough:

switch ( radix ) {
case OCTAL:
  // Do stuff for decimal and octal
  // Error

Without the break in the octal case, every radix would be treated as an error even after being successfully processed as decimal or octal.

Yes indeed I use that a lot

case 'n': case 'N': /* something */break ;
case 'y': case 'Y': /* something */break ;

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