
I am using a function InitDocStruct() to initialize the document I want to print through my program.

Definition of the function is

void InitDocStruct( DOCINFO* di, char* docname)
       // Always zero it before using it.
       memset( di, 0, sizeof( DOCINFO ) );
       // Fill in the required members.
       di->cbSize = sizeof( DOCINFO );
       di->lpszDocName = docname;

I am calling the function from main() InitDocStruct( &di, "c:\\YServer.txt"); After I run the program a blank page is printed.

Am I not initializing the document properly.

Kindly advice


The InitDocStruct() function seems OK to me. So the problem probably is in the actual printing code you have.

Here is the code

#include <windows.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <limits>
#include <string>
#include <windows.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include <wingdi.h>

using std::string;

void DrawStuff(HDC);
void InitDocStruct( DOCINFO*, char*);
BOOL CALLBACK AbortProc( HDC, int );
HDC GetPrinterDC(void);
void PrintStuff();

int main()

     return 0;
//void PrintStuff( HWND hWndParent )
void PrintStuff()
   HDC        hDC;
   DOCINFO    di;

   // Need a printer DC to print to.
   hDC = GetPrinterDC();

   // Did you get a good DC?
   if( !hDC)
       MessageBox(NULL, "Error creating DC", "Error",
                                   MB_APPLMODAL | MB_OK );

   // You always have to use an AbortProc().
   if( SetAbortProc( hDC, AbortProc ) == SP_ERROR )
       MessageBox( NULL, "Error setting up AbortProc",
                                   "Error", MB_APPLMODAL | MB_OK);

   // Init the DOCINFO and start the document.
//   InitDocStruct( &di, "MyDoc");
   InitDocStruct( &di, "c:\\YServer.txt");
   StartDoc( hDC, &di );

   // Print one page.
   StartPage( hDC );
   DrawStuff( hDC );
   EndPage( hDC );

   // Indicate end of document.
   EndDoc( hDC );

   // Clean up
   DeleteDC( hDC );


   /* Obtain printer device context */ 
   /* ==============================*/ 
   HDC GetPrinterDC(void)
       PRINTDLG pdlg;

       // Initialize the PRINTDLG structure.
       memset( &pdlg, 0, sizeof( PRINTDLG ) );
       pdlg.lStructSize = sizeof( PRINTDLG );
       // Set the flag to return printer DC.

       // Invoke the printer dialog box.
       PrintDlg( &pdlg );
       // hDC member of the PRINTDLG structure contains
       // the printer DC.
       return pdlg.hDC;

   /* The Abort Procudure           */ 
   /* ==============================*/ 
   BOOL CALLBACK AbortProc( HDC hDC, int Error )
       MSG   msg;
       while( PeekMessage( &msg, NULL, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE ) )
           TranslateMessage( &msg );
           DispatchMessage( &msg );
       return TRUE;

   /* Initialize DOCINFO structure  */ 
   /* ==============================*/ 
   void InitDocStruct( DOCINFO* di, char* docname)
       // Always zero it before using it.
       memset( di, 0, sizeof( DOCINFO ) );
       // Fill in the required members.
       di->cbSize = sizeof( DOCINFO );
       di->lpszDocName = docname;

   /* Drawing on the DC             */ 
   /* ==============================*/ 
   void DrawStuff( HDC hdc)
       // This is the function that does draws on a given DC.
       // You are printing text here.
       TextOut(hdc, 0,0, "Test Printing", lstrlen( "Test Printing" ) );


I'd say it should work as such.

So, the next step might be adding more error checking wherever applicable. I.e. verify that StartDoc/StartPage/EndDoc/EndPage return a value greater than zero, if not, use GetLastError() to get the error code. Also check that TextOut() is not returning FALSE .

Since you seem to have trouble with the code tags, read http://www.daniweb.com/forums/misc-explaincode.html

Well, you get this code with copy/paste from Miscrosoft support site:
There is feedback form on this page - use it.
I think, it's not so interesting work to debug Microsoft official code examples on the forum...

Well, you get this code with copy/paste from Miscrosoft support site:

So it seems to be ...

I think, it's not so interesting work to debug Microsoft official code examples on the forum...

I would actually like to know what goes wrong with that piece of code, (especially considering it is a simple MSDN example)

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