
Finally I am down to the last issue with my program: text file writing and reading.

My file has a function whose ofstream object does work and produces a text file for printing called "print".
This function is the printTextFile(fstream &readFromFile ) function.

But initially it is supposed to be creating a file called "hardware"where I store the records, update the records, add a new record, or delete. Well it seems that the fstream objects here are not working because when I search my file for hardware I cannot find it. I am trying to summarize my functions below with their objects and then including my main() and as well the functions and the function definitions.

createAndInitializeTextFile() - ofstream object that writes
enterRecords() - fstream object that I use to seek records with seekp and then also use to write

processChoice() has the fstream object with hardware.dat that is passed the following functions:

void printTextFile(fstream&);
void updateRecord(fstream&);
void newRecord( fstream& );
void deleteRecord( fstream& );
void outputLine( ostream&, const Tools & );

My code in main() :

int main()
	Tools tool;

		cout << "\nHardware program successful.\n";		
		cout <<"\nHardware program failed.\n";

	cout << endl;
	return 0;

My member function definitions:

void Tools::createAndInitializeTextFile()
   ofstream outTools( "hardware.dat", ios::out | ios::binary );

   // exit program if ofstream could not open file
    if ( !outTools )
        cerr << "File could not be opened." << endl;
        exit( 1 );

   Tools blankTool(0); // constructor zeros out each data member

   // output 100 blank records to file
   for ( int i = 0; i < 100; i++ )
      outTools.write( reinterpret_cast < const char * >( &blankTool ), sizeof ( Tools ) );    

void Tools::enterRecords()
    fstream outTools( "hardware.dat", ios::in | ios::out | ios::binary );

    // exit program if fstream cannot open file
    if ( !outTools )
       cerr << "File could not be opened." << endl;
       exit( 1 );
    } // end if

    // require user to specify a tool identification number
    cout << "Enter tool identification number (1 to 100, 0 to end input): ";
    cin >> partNumber;
    Tools tool; // create the object

     // user enters information, which is copied into file
    while (partNumber != 0)

       // user enters tool name, quantity and unit price
       cout << "Enter the tool name: ";
       cin.getline(toolName, sizeof(toolName));
        cout << "Enter the quantity in stock: "; 
        cin >> inStock;
        cout << "Enter the unit price: ";
        cin >> unitPrice;

// set the record for the part number, tool name, quantity in stock, and unit price
       tool.setPartNumber( partNumber );
       tool.setToolName( toolName );
       tool.setInStock( inStock );
      tool.setUnitPrice( unitPrice );

      // seek position in file of user-specified record   
      outTools.seekp( ( tool.getPartNumber() - 1 ) * sizeof ( Tools ) );                         

   // write user-specified information in file                   
   outTools.write( reinterpret_cast < const char * >( &tool ), sizeof ( Tools) );     
    //enable user to enter another account
    cout << "\nEnter tool identification number (1 to 100, 0 to end input): ";
    cin >> partNumber;

      } // end while loop

} // end enterRecords function

bool Tools::test()
    Tools tool;
    bool answer = false;
    ifstream inTools( "hardware.dat", ios::in | ios::binary );

     // exit program if ifstream cannot open file
    if ( !inTools )
       answer = false;
       cerr << "File could not be opened." << endl;
          exit( 1 );
    } // end if
        answer = true;
      return answer;

void Tools::processChoice()
     // open file for reading and writing                                  
     fstream inOutTools( "hardware.dat", ios::in | ios::out | ios::binary );

     // exit program if fstream cannot open file
     if ( !inOutTools )
        cerr << "File could not be opened." << endl;
        exit ( 1 );
     } // end if

     int choice; // store user choice

     // enable user to specify action
     while ( ( choice = enterChoice() ) != END )
        switch ( choice )
           case PRINT: // create text file from record file
              printTextFile( inOutTools );
           case UPDATE: // update record
              updateRecord( inOutTools );
           case NEW: // create record
              newRecord( inOutTools );
           case DELETE: // delete existing record
              deleteRecord( inOutTools );
          default: // display error if user does not select valid choice
              cerr << "Incorrect choice" << endl;
        } // end switch

      inOutTools.clear(); // reset end-of-file indicator
      } // end while
} // end function

// enable user to input menu choice
int Tools::enterChoice()
     // display available options
     cout << "\nEnter your choice:" << endl
    << "1 - store a formatted text file of accounts - called \"print.txt\" for printing." << endl
    << "2 - update an account" << endl
    << "3 - add a new account" << endl
    << "4 - delete an account" << endl
    << "5 - end program\n? ";

     int menuChoice;
     cin >> menuChoice; // input menu selection from user
     return menuChoice;

// create formatted text file for printing
void Tools::printTextFile(fstream &readFromFile )
    // create text file                            
    ofstream outPrintFile( "print.txt", ios::out );

    // exit program if ofstream cannot create file
    if ( !outPrintFile )
       cerr << "File could not be created." << endl;
       exit( 1 );
    } // end if

    // print header in the test file (formatted this way to easily view)
    outPrintFile << left << setw(9) << "Tool Id" 
    << right << setw(11)<< " Tool Name" 
    << right << setw(20) << "Quantity" 
    << right << setw(15) << " Unit Price" << endl; 

     // print header in the output prompt screen

     // set file-position pointer to beginning of readFromFile
     readFromFile.seekg( 0 );                                 

     // read first record from record file
     Tools tool;
     readFromFile.read( reinterpret_cast < char * >( &tool ),
       sizeof ( Tools ) );                               

      // copy all records from record file into text file
     while ( !readFromFile.eof() )
       // write single record to text file
       if ( tool.getPartNumber() != 0 ) // skip empty records
          outputLine( outPrintFile, tool );

       // read next record from record file                      
       readFromFile.read( reinterpret_cast < char * >( &tool),
          sizeof ( Tools ) );                               
    } // end while

// update the new quantity and unit price in the record
void Tools::updateRecord( fstream &updateFile )
     Tools tool;
     // obtain number of account to update
     partNumber = getPart( "\nEnter tool part identification number to update: " );
     tool.setPartNumber( partNumber );

    // move file-position pointer to correct record in file           
    updateFile.seekg( ( partNumber - 1 ) * sizeof ( Tools ) );

    // read first record from file
    updateFile.read( reinterpret_cast < char * >( &tool ),
       sizeof( Tools ) );                              

    // update record
    if ( tool.getPartNumber() != 0 )
       outputLine( updateFile, tool ); // display the record

       cout << "\nEnter new current quantity: ";
       int currentQuantity;						
       cin >> currentQuantity;
       tool.setInStock( currentQuantity );			
       // request user enter a new unit price
       cout << "Enter new unit price for the tool: ";
       double currentPrice; // change the unit price
       cin >> currentPrice;
       tool.setUnitPrice( currentPrice );			

      cout << "\nPart # " << partNumber << " has been updated.\n";


       outputLine( updateFile, tool ); // display the record

       tool.setPartNumber( partNumber );
       tool.setToolName( toolName );
       tool.setInStock( inStock );
       tool.setUnitPrice( unitPrice );

       // move file-position pointer to correct record in file             
       updateFile.seekp( ( partNumber - 1 ) * sizeof( Tools ) ); 

       // insert record in file                                         
       updateFile.write( reinterpret_cast < const char * >( &tool ),
          sizeof( Tools ) ); 

    } // end if
    else // display error if account does not exist
       cerr << "\nPart identification # " << partNumber << " has no information." << endl;
} // end function updateRecord

// create and insert record
void Tools::newRecord( fstream &insertInFile )
    // obtain number of account to create
    int partNumber = getPart( "\nEnter new part number: " );

    // move file-position pointer to correct record in file
    insertInFile.seekg( ( partNumber - 1 ) * sizeof( Tools ) );

    // read record from file
    Tools tool;
    insertInFile.read( reinterpret_cast < char * >( &tool ),
       sizeof( Tools ) );                                

    // create record, if record does not previously exist
    if ( tool.getPartNumber() == 0 )
		// user enters tool name, quantity and unit price
		cout << "Enter the tool name: ";
		cin.getline( toolName, size, '\n' );
		cout << "Enter the quantity in stock: "; 
		cin >> inStock;
		cout << "Enter the unit price: ";
		cin >> unitPrice;

		// set the record for the part number, tool name, quantity in stock, and unit price
		tool.setPartNumber( partNumber );
		tool.setToolName( toolName );
		tool.setInStock( inStock );
		tool.setUnitPrice( unitPrice );

       // move file-position pointer to correct record in file             
       insertInFile.seekp( ( partNumber - 1 ) * sizeof( Tools ) ); 

       // insert record in file                                         
       insertInFile.write( reinterpret_cast < const char * >( &tool ),
          sizeof( Tools ) );                                       
    } // end if
    else // display error if account already exists
       cerr << "\n\nPart # " << partNumber << " already contains information." << endl;
} // end function newRecord

// delete an existing record
void Tools::deleteRecord( fstream &deleteFromFile )
    // obtain number of account to delete
    int partNumber = getPart( "Enter the tool to delete: " );

   // move file-position pointer to correct record in file               
    deleteFromFile.seekg( ( partNumber - 1 ) * sizeof( Tools ) ); 

   // read record from file
   Tools tool;
    deleteFromFile.read( reinterpret_cast < char * >( &tool ),
       sizeof( Tools ) );                                  

    // delete record, if record exists in file
    if ( tool.getPartNumber() != 0 )
       Tools blankTool(0); // create blank record

       // move file-position pointer to correct record in file
       deleteFromFile.seekp( ( partNumber - 1 ) *          
          sizeof( Tools ) );                             

       // replace existing record with blank record         
          reinterpret_cast < const char * >( &blankTool ),
          sizeof( Tools ) );                           

       cout << "\nPart # " << partNumber << " deleted.\n";
    } // end if
    else // display error if record does not exist
       cerr << "\nPart # " << partNumber << " is empty.\n";
} // end deleteRecord

// display single record
void Tools::outputLine(ostream &output, const Tools &record )
	output << left << setw(11 ) << record.getPartNumber() 
		<< setw(16) << record.getToolName() 
		<< right << setw(9) << record.getInStock()
        << right << setw(15) << setprecision(2) << fixed << showpoint << record.getUnitPrice() << endl;

    cout << left << setw(10) << record.getPartNumber() 
		<< setw(18) << record.getToolName() 
		<< right << setw(5) << record.getInStock()
        << right << setw(15) << setprecision(2) << fixed << showpoint << record.getUnitPrice() << endl;

Well, it seems you have a problem.
This is not enough: what and where is a problem?..

Well, it seems you have a problem.
This is not enough: what and where is a problem?..

I can't find my hardware.dat file on the computer and also the write in the updateRecord() function does not work.

>>I can't find my hardware.dat file on the compute
It will be in the same directory that contains the program *.exe file.

>>the write in the updateRecord() function does not work.
what makes you think it doesn't work? What does it do that it's not supposed to do, or what doesn't it do that its supposed to do ? Just by looking at the function it appears to be working right, but since we don't have all the code for the entire program its not possible for us to test it.

>>I can't find my hardware.dat file on the compute
It will be in the same directory that contains the program *.exe file.

>>the write in the updateRecord() function does not work.
what makes you think it doesn't work? What does it do that it's not supposed to do, or what doesn't it do that its supposed to do ? Just by looking at the function it appears to be working right, but since we don't have all the code for the entire program its not possible for us to test it.

Basically I typed in the input and then hit 1 to print the file. I can find the print.dat file but I cannot find the hardware.dat.

Basically I try to make a change and then hit 1 again and when I go back to check the print.dat it shows it in the output screen but then hit 1 again and there is no change, the change also does NOT occur in the print.dat. So when I could not find the hardware.dat this makes me think that I am not recording there to begin with.

All of my code is below:


class Tools
	Tools(int = -1, string = "", int = 0, double = 0.0);	// default tools constructor
	// accessor functions for partNumber, toolName, inStock, unitPrice
	void setPartNumber(int);
	int getPartNumber() const;
	void validatePartNumber(int);

	void setToolName(string);
	string getToolName() const;

	void setInStock(int);
	int getInStock() const;

	void setUnitPrice(double);
	double getUnitPrice() const;

	void createAndInitializeTextFile();
	void enterRecords();
	bool test();
	void printHeader();

	void processChoice();
	int enterChoice();

	void printTextFile(fstream&);
	void updateRecord(fstream&);
	void newRecord( fstream& );
	void deleteRecord( fstream& );
	void outputLine( ostream&, const Tools & );
	int getPart( const char * const );

	static const int size = 20;
	enum Choices { PRINT = 1, UPDATE, NEW, DELETE, END };
	int partNumber;			// part id number (tool identifitcation number) is the record number (record key)
	char toolName[20];		// tool name
	int inStock;			// in stock
	double unitPrice;		// price per unit
}; // end class Tools

member functions:

// default Tools constructor
Tools::Tools( int partNumberValue,string toolNameValue, int inStockValue, double unitPriceValue)
	setPartNumber( partNumberValue);
	setToolName( toolNameValue );
	setInStock( inStockValue);
    setUnitPrice( unitPriceValue );
} // end Tools constructor

// get tool identification number 
int Tools::getPartNumber() const
    return partNumber;
// set tool identification numbers
void Tools::setPartNumber( int partNumberValue)
   partNumber = partNumberValue; 
void Tools::validatePartNumber(int checkPart)
	if(checkPart > 0 && checkPart <= 100)
		partNumber = checkPart;
		bool flag = false;
		while(flag == false)
			cout << "Part number is a record, an integer within range 1 to 100.";
			cout << "\nRe-enter tool identification number (1 to 100, 0 to end input)\n? ";
			cin >> checkPart;

			if(checkPart > 0 && checkPart <= 100)
				partNumber = checkPart;
				flag = true;
		} // end while loop
	} // end if 
} // end function

// get tool name
string Tools::getToolName() const
   return toolName;
// set the tool name
void Tools::setToolName(string toolNameString)
   // copy at most 20 characters for the tool name
    const char *toolNameValue = toolNameString.data();
    int length = int(toolNameString.size());
    length = (length < size ? length : 19);
    strncpy(toolName, toolNameValue, length);
    toolName[ length ] = '\0'; // append null character to lastName

// get in-stock quantity for the tool 
int Tools::getInStock() const
    return inStock;
 // set in-stock quantity for the tool
void Tools::setInStock( int inStockValue)
   inStock= inStockValue; 

// get unit price for each tool
double Tools::getUnitPrice() const
    return unitPrice;
// set unit price for each tool
void Tools::setUnitPrice( double unitPriceValue )
    unitPrice = unitPriceValue;

void Tools::printHeader()
	cout << left << setw(10) << "\nTool Id" 
		 << left << setw(17)<< " Tool Name" 
		 << right << setw(12) << "Quantity" 
		 << right << setw(15) << "Unit Price" << endl; 

	cout << "-------   -----------         --------     ----------" << endl;

void Tools::createAndInitializeTextFile()
	ofstream outTools( "hardware.dat", ios::out | ios::binary );

	   // exit program if ofstream could not open file
    if ( !outTools )
		cerr << "File could not be opened." << endl;
        exit( 1 );

   Tools blankTool(0); // constructor zeros out each data member

   // output 100 blank records to file
   for ( int i = 0; i < 100; i++ )
      outTools.write( reinterpret_cast < const char * >( &blankTool ), sizeof ( Tools ) );    

void Tools::enterRecords()
	 fstream outTools( "hardware.dat", ios::in | ios::out | ios::binary );

    // exit program if fstream cannot open file
    if ( !outTools )
       cerr << "File could not be opened." << endl;
       exit( 1 );
    } // end if

	// require user to specify a tool identification number
	cout << "Enter tool identification number (1 to 100, 0 to end input): ";
	cin >> partNumber;
    Tools tool; // create the object

	// user enters information, which is copied into file
	while (partNumber != 0)
		// user enters tool name, quantity and unit price
		cout << "Enter the tool name: ";
		cin.getline(toolName, sizeof(toolName));
		cout << "Enter the quantity in stock: "; 
		cin >> inStock;
		cout << "Enter the unit price: ";
		cin >> unitPrice;

		// set the record for the part number, tool name, quantity in stock, and unit price
		tool.setPartNumber( partNumber );
		tool.setToolName( toolName );
		tool.setInStock( inStock );
		tool.setUnitPrice( unitPrice );

		// seek position in file of user-specified record   
		outTools.seekp( ( tool.getPartNumber() - 1 ) * sizeof ( Tools ) );                         

		// write user-specified information in file                   
		outTools.write( reinterpret_cast < const char * >( &tool ), sizeof ( Tools) );     
		//enable user to enter another account
		cout << "\nEnter tool identification number (1 to 100, 0 to end input): ";
		cin >> partNumber;

	} // end while loop

} // end enterRecords function

bool Tools::test()
	Tools tool;
	bool answer = false;
	ifstream inTools( "hardware.dat", ios::in | ios::binary );

    // exit program if ifstream cannot open file
    if ( !inTools )
		answer = false;
		cerr << "File could not be opened." << endl;
		exit( 1 );
    } // end if
		answer = true;
	return answer;
void Tools::processChoice()
     // open file for reading and writing                                  
     fstream inOutTools( "hardware.dat", ios::in | ios::out | ios::binary );

     // exit program if fstream cannot open file
     if ( !inOutTools )
        cerr << "File could not be opened." << endl;
        exit ( 1 );
     } // end if

	int choice; // store user choice

	// enable user to specify action
    while ( ( choice = enterChoice() ) != END )
        switch ( choice )
           case PRINT: // create text file from record file
              printTextFile( inOutTools );
           case UPDATE: // update record
              updateRecord( inOutTools );
           case NEW: // create record
              newRecord( inOutTools );
           case DELETE: // delete existing record
              deleteRecord( inOutTools );
          default: // display error if user does not select valid choice
              cerr << "Incorrect choice" << endl;
		} // end switch

      inOutTools.clear(); // reset end-of-file indicator
	} // end while

// enable user to input menu choice
int Tools::enterChoice()
     // display available options
	cout << "\nEnter your choice:" << endl
        << "1 - store a formatted text file of accounts - called \"print.txt\" for printing." << endl
        << "2 - update an account" << endl
        << "3 - add a new account" << endl
        << "4 - delete an account" << endl
        << "5 - end program\n? ";

     int menuChoice;
     cin >> menuChoice; // input menu selection from user
     return menuChoice;

// create formatted text file for printing
void Tools::printTextFile(fstream &readFromFile )
	// create text file                            
    ofstream outPrintFile( "print.txt", ios::out );

    // exit program if ofstream cannot create file
    if ( !outPrintFile )
       cerr << "File could not be created." << endl;
       exit( 1 );
    } // end if

	// print header in the test file (formatted this way to easily view)
    outPrintFile << left << setw(9) << "Tool Id" 
		         << right << setw(11)<< " Tool Name" 
				 << right << setw(20) << "Quantity" 
				 << right << setw(15) << " Unit Price" << endl; 

	// print header in the output prompt screen

    // set file-position pointer to beginning of readFromFile
    readFromFile.seekg( 0 );                                 

    // read first record from record file
	Tools tool;
    readFromFile.read( reinterpret_cast < char * >( &tool ),
       sizeof ( Tools ) );                               

    // copy all records from record file into text file
    while ( !readFromFile.eof() )
       // write single record to text file
       if ( tool.getPartNumber() != 0 ) // skip empty records
          outputLine( outPrintFile, tool );

       // read next record from record file                      
       readFromFile.read( reinterpret_cast < char * >( &tool),
          sizeof ( Tools ) );                               
    } // end while

// update the new quantity and unit price in the record
void Tools::updateRecord( fstream &updateFile )
	 Tools tool;
    // obtain number of account to update
	partNumber = getPart( "\nEnter tool part identification number to update: " );
	tool.setPartNumber( partNumber );

    // move file-position pointer to correct record in file           
    updateFile.seekg( ( partNumber - 1 ) * sizeof ( Tools ) );

    // read first record from file
    updateFile.read( reinterpret_cast < char * >( &tool ),
       sizeof( Tools ) );                              

    // update record
    if ( tool.getPartNumber() != 0 )
       outputLine( updateFile, tool ); // display the record

       // request user to specify new quantity
       cout << "\nEnter new current quantity: ";
       int currentQuantity;							// change the quantity
       cin >> currentQuantity;
       tool.setInStock( currentQuantity );			// update record 
       // request user enter a new unit price
       cout << "Enter new unit price for the tool: ";
       double currentPrice; // change the unit price
       cin >> currentPrice;
	   tool.setUnitPrice( currentPrice );			// update record

	   cout << "\nPart # " << partNumber << " has been updated.\n";

	   	// print header in the output prompt screen

       outputLine( updateFile, tool ); // display the record

	   // set the record for the part number, tool name, quantity in stock, and unit price
		tool.setPartNumber( partNumber );
		tool.setToolName( toolName );
		tool.setInStock( inStock );
		tool.setUnitPrice( unitPrice );

       // move file-position pointer to correct record in file             
       updateFile.seekp( ( partNumber - 1 ) * sizeof( Tools ) ); 

       // insert record in file                                         
       updateFile.write( reinterpret_cast < const char * >( &tool ),
          sizeof( Tools ) ); 

		//// move file-position pointer to correct record in file           
		//updateFile.seekp( ( tool.getPartNumber() - 1 ) * sizeof ( Tools ) );                         

		//// write updated record over old record in file    
		//updateFile.write( reinterpret_cast < const char * >( &tool ),sizeof ( Tools) );  

    } // end if
    else // display error if account does not exist
       cerr << "\nPart identification # " << partNumber << " has no information." << endl;
} // end function updateRecord

// create and insert record
void Tools::newRecord( fstream &insertInFile )
    // obtain number of account to create
	int partNumber = getPart( "\nEnter new part number: " );

    // move file-position pointer to correct record in file
    insertInFile.seekg( ( partNumber - 1 ) * sizeof( Tools ) );

    // read record from file
    Tools tool;
    insertInFile.read( reinterpret_cast < char * >( &tool ),
       sizeof( Tools ) );                                

    // create record, if record does not previously exist
    if ( tool.getPartNumber() == 0 )
		// user enters tool name, quantity and unit price
		cout << "Enter the tool name: ";
		cin.getline( toolName, size, '\n' );
		cout << "Enter the quantity in stock: "; 
		cin >> inStock;
		cout << "Enter the unit price: ";
		cin >> unitPrice;

		// set the record for the part number, tool name, quantity in stock, and unit price
		tool.setPartNumber( partNumber );
		tool.setToolName( toolName );
		tool.setInStock( inStock );
		tool.setUnitPrice( unitPrice );

       // move file-position pointer to correct record in file             
       insertInFile.seekp( ( partNumber - 1 ) * sizeof( Tools ) ); 

       // insert record in file                                         
       insertInFile.write( reinterpret_cast < const char * >( &tool ),
          sizeof( Tools ) );                                       
    } // end if
    else // display error if account already exists
       cerr << "\n\nPart # " << partNumber << " already contains information." << endl;
} // end function newRecord

// delete an existing record
void Tools::deleteRecord( fstream &deleteFromFile )
    // obtain number of account to delete
	int partNumber = getPart( "Enter the tool to delete: " );

   // move file-position pointer to correct record in file               
    deleteFromFile.seekg( ( partNumber - 1 ) * sizeof( Tools ) ); 

   // read record from file
   Tools tool;
    deleteFromFile.read( reinterpret_cast < char * >( &tool ),
       sizeof( Tools ) );                                  

    // delete record, if record exists in file
    if ( tool.getPartNumber() != 0 )
       Tools blankTool(0); // create blank record

       // move file-position pointer to correct record in file
       deleteFromFile.seekp( ( partNumber - 1 ) *          
          sizeof( Tools ) );                             

       // replace existing record with blank record         
          reinterpret_cast < const char * >( &blankTool ),
          sizeof( Tools ) );                           

       cout << "\nPart # " << partNumber << " deleted.\n";
    } // end if
    else // display error if record does not exist
       cerr << "\nPart # " << partNumber << " is empty.\n";
} // end deleteRecord

// display single record
void Tools::outputLine(ostream &output, const Tools &record )
	output << left << setw(11 ) << record.getPartNumber() 
		<< setw(16) << record.getToolName() 
		<< right << setw(9) << record.getInStock()
        << right << setw(15) << setprecision(2) << fixed << showpoint << record.getUnitPrice() << endl;

    cout << left << setw(10) << record.getPartNumber() 
		<< setw(18) << record.getToolName() 
		<< right << setw(5) << record.getInStock()
        << right << setw(15) << setprecision(2) << fixed << showpoint << record.getUnitPrice() << endl;
// obtain account-number value from user
int Tools::getPart( const char * const prompt )
    int partNumber;

    // obtain part identification number value
       cout << prompt << " (1 - 100): ";
       cin >> partNumber;
    } while ( partNumber < 1 || partNumber > 100 );
    return partNumber;

main() :

int main()
	Tools tool;

		cout << "\nHardware program successful.\n";		
		cout <<"\nHardware program failed.\n";

	cout << endl;
	return 0;

You apparently didn't get a clean compile with the code you posed because it contains several errors. One error is function outputLine() -- One place passes fstream object as the first parameter while another passes ofstream. If I leave it as ostream like you have it then the function has millions of errors. My suggestion is to NOT use ofstream, but use fstream everywhere so that your program is consistent.

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