I want to write elevator program. Can you help me. Please...

Probably, it's a very interesting story...

But what is it: elevator program?!..

Member Avatar for iamthwee

I wonder what your were expecting from such a vague description?

My elevator program has it's ups and downs ;)

> Can you help me.
Are we talking about "capability" or "desire"?
Sure, there's a whole bunch of people who are capable of helping you, but so far I doubt many of them have a desire to.

Maybe you should read the intro threads again to find out where you screwed up.


Attached is an exe file written in C# and works on .net platform. Exercise it and if you like it get in touch with me at [email removed]

Right, because ya know... this is the C# forum....

#include <iostream>
#include <windows.h>

using namespace std;

int main(void){
    bool updown = false;
            for(int x = 0; x < 100; x++){
                for(int y = 0; y < x; y++)
                    cout << endl;
             cout << "      .---.      "<< endl;
             cout << "     /__\\__\\     "<< endl;
             cout << ".---------------."<< endl;
             cout << "||      |      ||"<< endl;
             cout << "||      |      ||"<< endl;
             cout << "||      |      ||"<< endl;
             cout << "||      |      ||"<< endl;
             cout << "||      |      ||"<< endl;
             cout << "||      |      ||"<< endl;
             cout << "||      |      ||"<< endl;
             cout << "||      |      ||"<< endl;
             cout << "||      |      ||"<< endl;
             cout << "||      |      ||"<< endl;
             cout << "||      |      ||"<< endl;
             cout << "'---------------'"<< endl;
            updown = !updown;
            for(int x = 100; x > 0; x--){
                for(int y = 0; y < x; y++)
                    cout << endl;
             cout << "      .---.      "<< endl;
             cout << "     /__\__\     "<< endl;
             cout << ".---------------."<< endl;
             cout << "||      |      ||"<< endl;
             cout << "||      |      ||"<< endl;
             cout << "||      |      ||"<< endl;
             cout << "||      |      ||"<< endl;
             cout << "||      |      ||"<< endl;
             cout << "||      |      ||"<< endl;
             cout << "||      |      ||"<< endl;
             cout << "||      |      ||"<< endl;
             cout << "||      |      ||"<< endl;
             cout << "||      |      ||"<< endl;
             cout << "||      |      ||"<< endl;
             cout << "'---------------'"<< endl;
            updown = !updown;
    return 0;

It's a bit broken but I'm sure you can fix it!

ASCII ARt: http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/7373/electro.htm#elevator


commented: :) Nice +8

Attached is an exe file written in C# and works on .net platform. Exercise it and if you like it get in touch with me at [email removed]

where is the source?

commented: It should be here - http://www.daniweb.com/forums/thread244695.html if you want to learn that is. As it stands, you're a sponge. -3

I Want to elevator program how i will write please help me

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