Hi everyone !

Inside my program, i have a function which delete all the values in the "Entry" widgets. This function works with a simple button "Reset".
I have also 2 radiobuttons. I would like to know, please, how radiobutton.deselect() works to deselect all the radiobuttons with my buton "Reset".

Could you help me please?
Thank you very much.

The function

def effacer():                     
    altdep.delete(0, END)        
    altarr.delete(0, END)
    distcart.delete(0, END)

The button

Button(fenetre, width=10,height=-10,fg="black",  font=("Times",-15,'bold'),text="Reset", command=effacer).grid(row=6, column=2)

And the radiobuttons :

Radiobutton(fenetre, text="HOT 1/2", font=("Times",-15,'bold'), variable=portee, value=4000).grid(row=4, column=1, sticky = E)
Radiobutton(fenetre, text="HOT 3", font=("Times",-15,'bold'), variable=portee, value=3850).grid(row=4, column=2, sticky = E)

Something like ...

from Tkinter import *

fenetre = Tk()
portee = IntVar()

def effacer():

rb1 = Radiobutton(fenetre, text="HOT 1/2", font=("Times",-15,'bold'),
    variable=portee, value=4000)
rb1.grid(row=4, column=1, sticky = E)
rb2 = Radiobutton(fenetre, text="HOT 3", font=("Times",-15,'bold'),
    variable=portee, value=3850)
rb2.grid(row=4, column=2, sticky = E)

# preset rb2

bt1 = Button(fenetre, width=10, height=-10, fg="black",
    font=("Times",-15,'bold'), text="Reset", command=effacer)
bt1.grid(row=6, column=2, pady=10)


That's right, thant you !

We must "name" the radiobutton :

Radiobutton(fenetre, text="HOT 1/2", font=("Times",-15,'bold'), variable=portee, value=4000).grid(row=4, column=1, sticky = E)

doesn't work


rb1=Radiobutton(fenetre, text="HOT 1/2", font=("Times",-15,'bold'), variable=portee, value=4000).grid(row=4, column=1, sticky = E)

works !

Thanks again.

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