hello im john rico a com sci student could anyone help me to make a program that has three equation and three unknown pls.

you mean like this:


 [ 1  1  1 18  ]
 [ 2  1  3 20  ]
 [ 5 -1  2 15  ]
 [ 1  1  1 18  ]
 [ 0 -1  1 -16 ]
 [ 5 -1  2 15  ]
 [ 1  1  1 18  ]
 [ 0  1 -1 16  ]
 [ 5 -1  2 15  ]
 [ 1  1  1 18  ]
 [ 0  1 -1 16  ]
 [ 0 -6 -3 -75 ]
 [ 1  1  1 18  ]
 [ 0  1 -1 16  ]
 [ 0  0 -9 -171]
 [ 1  1  1 18  ]
 [ 0  1 -1 16  ]
 [ 0  0  1  19 ]

if so, that would require a massive amount of programming. i intended to do this at one time, but decided against it when i had nearly 200 lines of code that still didn't do anything productive. (that and my precal teacher didn't know how to do certain other things, like determinate of a matrix above 3X3)

EDIT: NOTE: i may have made an error in the previous math, as i cannot prove that those numbers are in fact the right ones, oops :)

hehehe why i know you can do this one hope you can help me as soon as possible and besides your a professor prove it pls i really need your help

commented: No one need prove anything to you. Do your own homework. -2

hehehe why i know you can do this one hope you can help me as soon as possible and besides your a professor prove it pls i really need your help

This post makes no sense. What exactly do you want other than someone to do the entire thing for you and deliver you a finished project?

commented: Just ignore him, another lazy student +10

hello im john rico a com sci student could anyone help me to make a program that has three equation and three unknown pls.

You can either use Gauss as sciwizeh has suggested,
but if don't know the algorithm you can do it the old fashion way, by solving this equation on paper and programming the results:


By the way you have to show some effort before getting help.
I would suggest to create a method that take as argument the array with the values and return the new modified array

did i call your name mark my word cause you dont know who are you talking to dont under estimate my knowledge you might see your mistakes soon i suggest you to keep your mouth shot if you dont want to help!!!!

commented: Please exude professionalism when making posts in the Daniweb forums. +0
commented: Pathetic. I can't tell whether this is some weird threat or just a tantrum. -1
commented: This needs more red. Fool. -2

hello by da way i believe you could give me a formula i know how to do it but unfortunately i dont know the formula could you help pls just a formula

did i call your name mark my word cause you dont know who are you talking to dont under estimate my knowledge you might see your mistakes soon i suggest you to keep your mouth shot if you dont want to help!!!!

What do you mean, and to who are you referring to?

As for the formula, describing the Gauss algorithm is very long for this post. But, since I learned it in high school, you should be able to find it in most Math books, or the internet.

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