Are there any standard C++ libraries that support multithreading other than windows.h?

I have not used them, but I believe the boost library has threads and you can try pthreads as well.

I think Windows API is declared in window.h, which is basic API. Other Library surporting multithread like MFC is build on WINDOWS API. I don't know if I express clearly. I 'm from China.

I think Windows API is declared in window.h, which is basic API. Other Library surporting multithread like MFC is build on WINDOWS API. I don't know if I express clearly. I 'm from China.

I think I understand what you're saying. And I looked up the prior suggestion and it seems helpful

Are there any standard C++ libraries that support multithreading other than windows.h?

Well, there is no STANDARD C++ library that supports multithreading. windows.h is WinAPI, so it's not standard. If you want multithreading on win, you could use WinAPI, if you want multithreading on UNIX based you could use pthread. The best workarround and portable way would be to use boost multithreading library, it is portable ( it's actually a wrapper over all the operating system threading apis ). I hear the next C++ standard library realease will support concurency, but until then... :)

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