i using abstract method ,

and always prompt out wiv " not abstract and does not override abstract method " tis kind of error

ublic abstract class Person
protected Name name;
protected String address;
protected String hp;
protected String eadd;
private static int counter;

Person(Name name,String address,String hp,String eadd){

this.name = new Name(name);
this.address = address;this.hp = hp;
this.eadd = eadd;


public void setName(Name n)
name = new Name(n);
public void setAddress(String address)
this.address = address;

public String getAddress()
return address;
public void setHp(String hp)
{this.hp = hp;

public String getHp()
return hp;

public void setEadd(String eadd)
this.eadd = eadd;

public String getEadd()
return eadd;

public String getName()
return name.getName();

public String getTitle()
return name.getTitle();

public static void setcounter()

public static int getcounter()
return counter;
public static void setcounter2()

public abstract void setOfficeRN(String officeRN);
public abstract void setDiv(String div);
public abstract void setSchoolID(String schoolID);
public abstract void setCourse(String course);
public abstract void setSchool(String school);
public abstract void setRegisterNo(int registerNo);
public abstract String getOfficeRN();
public abstract String getDiv();
public abstract String getSchoolID();
public abstract String getCourse();
public abstract String getSchool();
public abstract int getRegisterNo();
public abstract boolean equals(Person person);
public abstract void makeCopy(Person person);

public String toString()
return "Name " + getTitle() +"." + getName() +"\n Address " + getAddress() + "\n Handphone Number " + getHp() + "\n Email Address " + getEadd();

public class Members extends Students{
protected int registerNo;

Members(Name name,String address,String hp,String emailAddress,String schoolID,String course,String school,int registerNo){
this.registerNo = registerNo;

public void setRegisterNo(int registerNo)
this.registerNo = registerNo;

public int getRegisterNo()
return registerNo;

public boolean equals(Person m)
boolean equal = false;
equal = true;
}return equal;

public void makeCopy(Person m){this.name = m.name;
this.address = m.address;this.hp = m.hp;
this.eadd = m.eadd;
this.schoolID = ((Students)m).schoolID;
this.course = ((Students)m).course;
this.school = ((Students)m).school;
this.registerNo = ((Members)m).registerNo;
public String toString(){
return super.toString()+"\nRegister Number:"+registerNo;


public class Name {

private String title;
private String name;

Name(String title , String name)
this.title = title;this.name = name;

Name(Name name)
this.title = name.title;this.name = name.name;

public void setName(String name)
{this.name = name;

public String getName()
return name;

public void setTitle(String title)
this.title = title;

public String getTitle()
return title;
public class Lecturers extends Person{

private String div;
private String officeRN;

Lecturers(Name name, String address, String hp, String eadd, String div, String officeRN)
this.div = div;
this.officeRN = officeRN;


public void setDiv(String div)
this.div = div;

public String getDiv()
return div;

public void setOfficeRN(String officeRN)
this.officeRN = officeRN;

public String getOfficeRN()
return officeRN;

public void makeCopy(Person l){this.name = l.name;
this.address = l.address;this.hp = l.hp;
this.eadd = l.eadd;
this.div = ((Lecturers)l).div;
this.officeRN = ((Lecturers)l).officeRN;

public boolean equals(Person l)
boolean equal = false;
equal = true;
}return equal;

public String toString(){
return super.toString()+"\nDivision:"+div+"\nOffice Room Number:"+officeRN;

public class Students extends Person{

protected String schoolID;
protected String course;
protected String school;

Students(Name name, String address, String hp, String eadd, String schoolID, String course, String school)
this.schoolID = schoolID;
this.course = course;
this.school = school;


public void setSchoolID(String schoolID)
this.schoolID = schoolID;

public String getSchoolID()
return schoolID;

public void setCourse(String course)
this.course = course;

public String getCourse()
return course;

public void setSchool(String school)
this.school = school;

public String getSchool()
return school;

public void makeCopy(Person s)
{this.name = s.name;
this.address = s.address;this.hp = s.hp;
this.eadd = s.eadd;
this.schoolID = ((Students)s).schoolID;
this.course = ((Students)s).course;
this.school = ((Students)s).school;

public boolean equals(Person s)
boolean equal = false;
equal = true;
}return equal;

public String toString()
return super.toString()+"\nId:"+schoolID+"\nCourse:"+course+"\nSchool:"+school;
public class TaskOne {

public static void main(String args[]){

Name name1 = new Name("Mr","Kong Fook Shen");
Person person1 = new Students(name1,"D4-10,JLN Awana","0166809599","kfshen12@hotmail.com","07WAD03773","DIA2","SAS");
Name name2 = new Name("Dr","Inimitable");
Person person2 = new Lecturers(name2,"D3-10,JLN Awana","0166809959","Inimitable@yahii.com","Computer Science","A323");
Name name3 = new Name("Mrs","Kong");
Person person3 = new Members(name3,"D2-10,JLN Awana","0166809559","Kong12@hotmail.com","07WAD07733","DIA2","SOS",443211);
Person person4 = new Lecturers();


Person person5 = new Students();

Name name4 = new Name("Sir","Shen");
person5.setAddress("D1-10,JLN Awana");


Whenever I run my task

C:\Students.java:10: Students is not abstract and does not override abstract method getRegisterNo() in Person
public class Students extends Person{
C:\Lecturers.java:10: Lecturers is not abstract and does not override abstract method getRegisterNo() in Person
public class Lecturers extends Person{
2 errors

Process completed.


The Person class is abstract. So the classes that extend Person must implement all the abstract methods of Person.

The classes: Students and Lecturers must implement the method getRegisterNo() .
You have forgotten to implement this method when you did:

Students extends Person

Mod, may proceed to closed or remove this thread thanks

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