Hi i am a web developer i used to create site using php..i have little knowledge on java(only basic school level knowledge)..but now i want to develop software for one of the NGO which is working for helping blind students..that i have decided to build the software in JAVA...the system is going to be used for managing there donation system like storing the donors information and categorize them in different category..and they want to retrieve the information quickly when needed..so they want to stop duplication of data..

we have a team with 4 members(they too new to java)

My Time Limit is 15 days for learning and 15 days for developing the project..

So as a New Bee I have some Questions

  1. which language is good JAVA or JSP(Have a plan to implement the system in interenet in future not now)
  2. what are things(language,tools) i have to start to learn..
  3. Some one suggested me DB2 as a RDBMS is it good ?...i have some knowledge in MySql
  4. Is it possible to finish the project in 1 month or how much time approximatly it will take..

Ok thank you and waiting for your reply

Welcome to forum.

As for your project, good luck you will need it.
For the questions

  1. If you do not know difference between Java and JSP then there is lot of ground to cover
  2. You have to learn Java to certain extend to be able to start adding other enhancements to it and combine with other technologies,as for tools there are many free and commercial, however I think you are more likely to be interested to free stuff so NetBeans, Eclipse or JCreator LE are tools you looking for
  3. You can stay with MySQL, no problem there
  4. Yes and No, all depends on the requirements which you failed to provide (the small of problem does not count)

Thanks ..i thought JSP is a server side scripting language using in web development..Am i right..? My question is which will be more efficient and useful for this project...

JSP/JSF is the way to go for this project!

The reason? It sounds to me like you're forming a front-end for Database management.

From what I understand, JSP has support for Database management, allowing one to make a visual representation of a database, though it isn't incredibly easy to implement.

This project could also be deployed as an Applet, though you would then have to learn about swing components (to a certain extent), and developing a back-end and front-end interface for the Database you wish to communicate with.

Either route will be tricky to tackle in a mere 15 days, though it's not entirely difficult so long as you and your team decide which route you will want to take soon.

Edit: Java has support for JSP, especially via NetBeans.

Thanks ..i thought JSP is a server side scripting language using in web development..Am i right..? My question is which will be more efficient and useful for this project...

Actually .jsp files have html "code" inside them (the proper term is html tags). But with JSPs you can add java code inside them. For example calling a method to get in an array data from DB and displaying them:

String [] array = getData();

for (int i=0;i<array.length;i++) {

<h4> <%= array[i]%> </h4>


This is a poor example but the general idea is that if you want to develop a web application with java you will write jsp and you will need to learn HTML as well.
Write the code and create classes with java. Don't put "business" in jsp.
For example don't create connection to read from a database in a jsp.
Create classes that do what you want and then create the GUI (jsp/ html) and call those classes in the jsp in order just to display the results

Actually .jsp files have html "code" inside them (the proper term is html tags). But with JSPs you can add java code inside them. For example calling a method to get in an array data from DB and displaying them:

String [] array = getData();

for (int i=0;i<array.length;i++) {

<h4> <%= array[i]%> </h4>


This is a poor example but the general idea is that if you want to develop a web application with java you will write jsp and you will need to learn HTML as well.
Write the code and create classes with java. Don't put "business" in jsp.
For example don't create connection to read from a database in a jsp.
Create classes that do what you want and then create the GUI (jsp/ html) and call those classes in the jsp in order just to display the results

I'm not sure if I agree with this 100%.

Can't you use NetBeans and generate a JSP designer (with the XHTML and Page-Bean implementation) and simply reference components using the Page-Bean?

You can also make HTML implementations in the XHTML page, but that's another story @_@

JSP/JSF is the way to go for this project!.

what is JSF ?

whether JSF is useful for my project...as Alex Edwards said the project is going to be a front-end for Database management.

Yes, if you learn it you will benefit from it

15 days for learning everything you need to learn to create a web application?

Better emigrate to Mars, a day there takes about a month of earthtime, might give you enough time.

15 days for learning everything you need to learn to create a web application?

Better emigrate to Mars, a day there takes about a month of earthtime, might give you enough time.

Good joke...i know its really a short time..but i thought the application that i am talking about does not need any expert programing so i limited my time...

Any way please suggest from where i have to start ? JSF/JSP/JAVA/DB2 ?

From research on existing applications/tools with similar task as yours. This will enable you to see what are current standards, evaluate their functionality and errors, see if they satisfies the need what they been design/develop for, what can be improved and why.

From research on existing applications/tools with similar task as yours. .

Ok Thank you..i will do it..

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