New Member

Hi everyone. I am brand spanking new. Like, just a few minutes born to the new kid in the DaniWeb block. Today I will just get the feel and browse. However, I will host a lot of questions that my experienced curiosity has brought to mind and many are not answered yet.

Thank you all for accepting me as your new member!!

Truly, Louisinho

New Member

Hi everyone. I am brand spanking new. Like, just a few minutes born to the new kid in the DaniWeb block. Today I will just get the feel and browse. However, I will host a lot of questions that my experienced curiosity has brought to mind and many are not answered yet.

Thank you all for accepting me as your new member!!

Truly, Louisinho

Hi Louisinho,

Allways great to see new people who want to share there knowledge and help us noobs in C++ with advice ;)

Hi Louisinho,

Allways great to see new people who want to share there knowledge and help us noobs in C++ with advice ;)

Thank you all for allowing me and receiving me with such high spirit. At your service whever I can, and at your disposal for my inquiries!! Thank youj all again!


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