Public class Prog1
static final char = BLANK = ` `;
static final char ONE 5;

public static void main (String[] arg);
a = one + 5;
b = a + blank;
cc := a + one * 2;
ONE = b + c;
System.out.println(''a = ''  + a
+ '', b = '' + b
+ '', cc = '' + cc);

What isn't? -
P in Public class Prog1 shouldn't be a capital.
The chars aren't defined properly - static final char blank = ' ';
Whats := all about? Not sure myself but i don't get an error when i remove the :
System.out.println(''a = '' + a
+ '', b = '' + b
+ '', cc = '' + cc); Que?! What are you trying to do? Give me some more information about the program and ill be able to help more.

:= is a Pascal construct, Java uses = (so no :).
a, b, cc aren't defined anywhere. Compiler won't like that either.
You're trying to assign a value to a final variable.

Depending on the types you give a, b, and cc you will get other errors or not.

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