Hello folks,
I have a Netbeans desktop application with a frame.
I have a menu called SALES. Under that i have a menu-item "Import". I have added a mouseclicked event where i call a function.
When i click on Import, nothing happens...
Plz help. Thanks

Try posting part of the code, and try putting a System.out.println() in the mouseclicked event before you call the function.

Personally I prefer actionEvents for just clicking

Hello folks,
I have a Netbeans desktop application with a frame.
I have a menu called SALES. Under that i have a menu-item "Import". I have added a mouseclicked event where i call a function.
When i click on Import, nothing happens...
Plz help. Thanks

As JavaAddict said better to use ActionEvent.
But if u really want it without ActionEvent then use "mousePressed" instead of "mouseClicked"

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