I need to store date from my application in to my database which created in MS Access now i use datetimepicker in my application created in VB.net 03 what shuold be the necessary code required for it plz help me with code snippet...

the red line is how to use datetimepicker :

cmdPendidikan1.CommandText = "INSERT INTO Pendidikan(IdPendidikan, Nis, Lulusan, LamaBelajar,SekolahAsal,Alasan,Kelas,Tgl) VALUES('" & Trim(IdPendidikan.Text) & "','" & Trim(cmbNis.SelectedItem) & "','" & Trim(txtLulusanDari.Text) & "','" & Trim(txtLamaBelajar.Text) & "','" & Trim(txtSekAsal.Text) & "','" & Trim(txtAlasan.Text) & "','" & Trim(cmbKelas.SelectedItem) & "','" & dtTglDiterima.Value.ToShortDateString & "')"

The code which u sent me is confusing but i think now i'll b able to do it
thnk u

don't be confused. Just focus in the red line, that is how to get value from datetimepicker.
this is new example :

cmdTest.CommandText = "INSERT INTO Book(Id, Name, BirthDate) VALUES('" & Trim(txtId.Text) & "','" & Trim(txtName.Text) & "','" & dtBirthDate.Value.ToShortDateString & "')"

well thank U for helping me out ....

You're welcome
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